Sophia - 星 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sophia - 星

駆け込んだ秘密の小屋で 寂しさをただ持ち寄って
In the secret shed I ran to, we just brought loneliness
笑い飛ばすいつもの顔 怖いものはないと
Laughing faces as usual, with no fear
見えないモノ見ようとして 俺達はただ強がった
Trying to see invisible things, we were just being brave
ある日お前は俺だけに「いつか誰かの 星になれ」
One day, you said to me alone, "Someday, become someone's star."
Darling darling ねぇ本当は
Darling, darling, the truth is
愛されたいと いつも震えてた
I always trembled, wanting to be loved
そして 俺達はやがてそれぞれバスに乗り 窓から手を振った見えなくなるまで
And soon, we boarded our separate buses, waving from the windows until we disappeared
別れ際お前が「忘れんな」と呟いた 胸の痛みが今も俺を支えてる
At parting, you whispered, "Don't forget," the pain in my heart still supports me
ずっと 転げ落ちた日も 悔しい夜も 負けを認めた朝も
Always, even on days when I fell down, on nights of regret, on mornings when I admitted defeat
一緒だった だからすぐに笑えたんだ
We were together, so I could quickly laugh
弱い 心もいつか お前の傍でなら 強がって走れた
My weak heart could have run bravely, beside you
探すふりして 見つけてた夜空の星
Looking up, I found the night sky stars
午前2時の真夜中に 秘密の小屋をノックした
At two in the morning, I knocked on the secret shed door
すぐにドアが開いていつも お前がいた 眠そうに
It opened right away, as always, and there you were, sleepy-eyed
Darling darling ねぇ本当は
Darling, darling, the truth is
夢を語るお前の台詞 あの日 とても寂しくて
Your words, dreaming, that day, made me so lonely
時が過ぎてこの両手ふさがって お前の台詞も少し色褪せた
Now, time has passed, these hands are full, your words have faded a little
大人になったこと 苦笑いも上手く お前が馬鹿にしてる顔が目に浮かぶ
I smile wryly at being an adult, I can picture you laughing at me
ずっと 転げ落ちた日も 悔しい夜も 負けを認めた朝も
Always, even on days when I fell down, on nights of regret, on mornings when I admitted defeat
一緒だった だからすぐに笑えたんだ
We were together, so I could quickly laugh
弱い 心もいつか お前の傍でなら 強がって走れた
My weak heart could have run bravely, beside you
お前のいない 今も走り続けてるよ
I keep running, even now, without you
いつかどこかで 叶わぬ約束
Your impossible promise, someday, somewhere
A star fell from the night sky

Writer(s): 松岡 充, 松岡 充

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