STOKA - Don Stoleoni - translation of the lyrics into English

Don Stoleoni - STOKAtranslation in English

Don Stoleoni
Don Stoleoni
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje nastupe i muskarci i zene,
Everyone craves my shows, men and women alike,
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje rime i muskarci i zene.
Everyone craves my rhymes, men and women alike.
Nek je M kao Marin i nek je C kao Car,
Let M stand for Marin and C stand for Car,
Nek je kum MC-ija decko kaj ima govorni dar,
Let the MC's godfather be the guy with the gift of gab,
To rekao je dragi Bog, da na to,
That's what the dear Lord said, upon this,
Kad je blagoslovio mene, odabranika svog,
When he blessed me, his chosen one,
Tu pocinjem ja, sofisticirana formula pranja,
Here I begin, a sophisticated formula of washing,
Mic znanja, ludosti, gospinog ukazanja,
A bit of knowledge, madness, a holy apparition,
15 godina unazad, imam sta za kazat,
15 years back, I've got something to say,
Tad sam poceo rime na kruh svagdasnji mazat,
That's when I started spreading rhymes on my daily bread,
Rime jest, rime pit, u rimi misit, rima bit,
Rhymes to eat, rhymes to drink, rhymes to think, rhymes to be,
Rime zivit, rime siti da mi zivot bude hit,
Rhymes to live, rhymes to satisfy, to make my life a hit,
Da, to sam ja jos jednom, ponovno vam repam,
Yes, it's me once again, rapping for you,
Kad sam cuo Targeta mic odlucio sam da scepam,
When I heard Target's mic, I decided to snatch it,
Mic sam scepao, prvi put zarepao,
I grabbed the mic, rapped for the first time,
Ostale MC-ije na vijeke vijekova prepao,
Scared all the other MCs for eternity,
Danas prica jos traje, ne staje, uzitak vam daje,
The story continues today, doesn't stop, giving you pleasure,
Ja sam kum MC-ija, vi mi recite kaj je.
I'm the MC's godfather, you tell me what's up.
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje nastupe i muskarci i zene,
Everyone craves my shows, men and women alike,
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje rime i muskarci i zene.
Everyone craves my rhymes, men and women alike.
Doslo vrijeme puberteta, MC mikrofone reseta,
Puberty hit, MC resets the microphones,
Druge smeta, bas steta, a vjestina cvijeta,
It bothers others, what a shame, while the skill flourishes,
Zapalio sam publiku, sabotiro koncerte,
I ignited the crowd, sabotaged concerts,
Krao micove iz ruku i posramio eksperte,
Stole mics from hands and shamed the experts,
Bacio stolicu, napravio sranja,
Threw a chair, caused trouble,
I veca i manja, ali vrijedna postovanja,
Big and small, but worthy of respect,
A sta si ti, doso, od repa otiso,
And what are you? Came, left rap,
Kad na freestyle si iso, poslije tebe bina je mokra,
When you went for freestyle, the stage was wet after you,
Jer od straha si piso, a ja na bini serem,
Because you pissed yourself in fear, and I shit on stage,
U WC-u pisam, a kad cujem te na radiu,
I piss in the toilet, and when I hear you on the radio,
Ugasim ga il′ stisam, ma salim se,
I turn it off or press it, just kidding,
Smijat raspalim se, a onda ti jebem majku,
I burst out laughing, then I fuck your mom,
Jer malim prstom u stok odvalim se, aah, boli,
Because I'm rocking out with my little finger in the stock, aah, it hurts,
Al' za repat svako me moli jer tako bilo je prije,
But everyone begs me to rap because that's how it was before,
U klubu, kvartu i skoli, ja repo sam kao dijete,
In the club, the hood, and school, I rapped as a child,
Repam kao mladic, a repat i ko starac u parku uz kazic,
I rap as a young man, and I'll rap as an old man in the park with a cane,
I to dobro zapamtite.
And remember that well.
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje nastupe i muskarci i zene,
Everyone craves my shows, men and women alike,
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje rime i muskarci i zene.
Everyone craves my rhymes, men and women alike.
Volim kada slusam, volim kada gledam,
I love when I listen, I love when I watch,
Kada razmisljam o tome pa stihove redam,
When I think about it and then line up the verses,
Od sumraka do zore kad smisljam fore,
From dusk till dawn when I'm coming up with jokes,
Kad ideje preplave mozdane stanice i pore,
When ideas flood my brain cells and pores,
Ja na balu slova, maste, rijeci,
I'm at the ball of letters, imagination, words,
Uzivam u slapovima rima kad pocnu teci,
I enjoy the waterfalls of rhymes when they start to flow,
To sve rane lijeci, napisat cu pa cu reci,
It all heals wounds, I'll write it down and then I'll say it,
Pa nek publika prstom na bini kaze ko je veci,
So let the audience point their finger on stage and say who's bigger,
Da, da, publika ocito zna ko je gazda cijele price,
Yeah, yeah, the audience obviously knows who's the boss of the whole story,
100ka, i zato za vas uz jebeni bas,
100ka, and that's why for you, with the fucking bass,
Ja rokat cu jebene rime dok mi ne nestane glas,
I'll rock the fucking rhymes until my voice is gone,
Na podlogu od kuma ispovijed opasnog uma,
On the godfather's beat, the confession of a dangerous mind,
Treca kitica pete stvari, drugog solo albuma,
The third verse of the fifth track, the second solo album,
Pa zapamtite od trena kad rep kod nas nasto,
So remember, from the moment rap began here,
Ja sam sef sefova, capo di tutti capi di caSto.
I'm the boss of bosses, capo di tutti capi di caSto.
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje nastupe i muskarci i zene,
Everyone craves my shows, men and women alike,
Ja sam mafija, traze me po svim kontinentima,
I'm the mafia, wanted across every continent,
Ljubomorni muzevi, politika i murija,
By jealous husbands, politicians, and the cops,
Predsjednicke loze rezervirane za mene,
Presidential booths reserved just for me,
Svi oce moje rime i muskarci i zene
Everyone craves my rhymes, men and women alike.

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