Joaquín Sabina feat. Fito Paez - Si Volvieran Los Dragones - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Joaquín Sabina feat. Fito Paez - Si Volvieran Los Dragones

Si Volvieran Los Dragones
If the Dragons Were to Return
"Si volvieran los Dragones"
"If the Dragons Were to Return"
Si la angustia no tuviera tantos meses,
If anguish didn't have so many months,
Si pudiera huir de esta ciudad,
If I could flee this city,
Si el milagro de los panes y los peces
If the miracle of the loaves and fish
Consiguiera darnos de cenar.
Were to give us dinner.
Si tuvieran corazón las autopistas,
If motorways had hearts,
Si alguien me esperara en la estación,
If someone were waiting for me at the station,
Si bajaran de la luna los artistas,
If artists were to come down from the moon,
Si acabara bien esta canción.
If this song were to end well.
Si aprendiéramos a amar como animales,
If we could learn to love like animals,
Si quedara tiempo que perder,
If there was still time to waste,
Si bailaran rock and roll los generales,
If generals danced to rock and roll,
Si cantara el gallo rojo del amanecer.
If the red rooster of dawn would crow.
Y los sentidos olvidaran la razón.
And the senses would forget reason,
Y las golondrinas
And swallows
Supieran volver
Would know how to return
A hacer su nido cada otoño en el reloj
To build their nest each autumn in the clock
De las oficinas,
Of the offices,
Si el huracán del porvenir
If the hurricane of the future
Arrasara las fronteras
Destroyed the borders
Rotas las banderas por la pasión,
Flags torn down by passion,
Si reinara en el dos mil
If imagination reigned
La imaginación.
In the year two thousand.
Si los besos cotizaran más que el oro,
If kisses were worth more than gold,
Si quedara hotel en Shangri-Lá,
If there was a hotel in Shangri-Lá,
Si la muerte hiciera mutis por el foro,
If death would exit through the stage door,
Si pudiera yo quererte hasta el final
If I could love you until the end
Y naufragar
And be shipwrecked
En la isla del tesoro,
On Treasure Island,
Si los mercenarios de la soledad
If the mercenaries of loneliness
Incendiaran con un blues
Were to set fire with a blues
Todo el cono sur.
To the entire Southern Cone.
Si en los escombros de la revolución
If in the rubble of the revolution
Creciera el árbol verde del placer,
The green tree of pleasure were to grow,
Y las catedrales se cansaran de ser
And the cathedrals were tired of being
Ruinas del fracaso de Dios.
Ruins of God's failure.
Si volvieran los dragones a poblar las avenidas
If dragons were to return to populate the avenues
De un planeta que se suicida.
Of a planet that is committing suicide.
Si volvieran los dragones...
If dragons were to return...
Si volvieran los dragones, Robin Hood,
If dragons were to return, Robin Hood,
Las amazonas, Marco Polo, Nosferatu, Garcilaso,
The Amazons, Marco Polo, Nosferatu, Garcilaso,
Casanova, Buster Keaton, Mata Hari, Don Quijote,
Casanova, Buster Keaton, Mata Hari, Don Quixote,
Macedonio, Moby Dick, Los Bucaneros,
Macedonio, Moby Dick, The Buccaneers,
Nostradamus, Celedonio, Sargent Pepper,
Nostradamus, Celedonio, Sargent Pepper,
Goyeneche, Sitting Bull, La violetera,
Goyeneche, Sitting Bull, The Violet Vendor,
Janis Joplin, Doctor Jekyll, D'Artagnan,
Janis Joplin, Doctor Jekyll, D'Artagnan,
La primavera, el Cantar de los Cantares, Greta Garbo,
Spring, The Song of Songs, Greta Garbo,
El Tempranillo, Babilonia, Julio Verne, Camaron, los conventillos, gulliver, Sierra Maestra, Bonny and Clyde,
El Tempranillo, Babylon, Jules Verne, Camaron, the tenements, Gulliver, Sierra Maestra, Bonny and Clyde,
La Magdalena, Camelot, los alquimistas,
Mary Magdalene, Camelot, the alchemists,
Atahualpa, Bonavena, la tetona de Fellini, Bakunin,
Atahualpa, Bonavena, Fellini's big-breasted woman, Bakunin,
Las ilusiones, Espartaco, Mesalina, las cigueñas,
Illusions, Spartacus, Messalina, the storks,
Los bufones, Si volvieran los dragones.
The jesters, If dragons were to return.


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