Sailors 254 - Weekendy - translation of the lyrics into English

Weekendy - Sailors 254translation in English

Uuuuuuuu Uuuuuuuuu...
Uuuuuuuu Uuuuuuuuu...
Kenyongo hii pasi sio ya makaa
This heat, it's not from charcoal
Hii pasi ni ya stima bana For Real!!
This heat is electric, man, For Real!!
Ni sailors, peke yao
It's Sailors, all alone
(It′s your favourite boy Kashkeed on the track)
(It's your favourite boy Kashkeed on the track)
Ni weekendy imefika na tuna dunda na
The weekend has arrived and we're vibing with
Shika jaba upite baze saka wasupa na
Grab a drink, pass by, let's go out with the crew
Tafta mali piga chumz saka mstiri na
Look for money, call a friend, let's get some cash and
Tujinyc si hadi watii sio dabonge na
Let's enjoy ourselves, it's not a joke, not a sham
Leo club kwashika kwawaka
Today the club is on fire
Na madem wamebeba kiwajaka
And the ladies have brought their A-game
Dj cheza za Dabonge na Ghapuka
DJ, play some Dabonge and Ghapuka
Ju madem wana-whine reggea dingehota
Because the ladies are whining to reggae, it's hot
Kuna manzi amevalia kighetto
There's a girl dressed in ghetto style
Cheki vile anachezea kiboko
Look how she's dancing with energy
Qoqos naye chini ameanza na vituko
Qoqos is down there starting with his antics
Amechanganya tei na ndom no nie ndigehota
He's mixed tea and rum, now it's a hot mess
Let's go!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Umuhulu-hulu, umuhuku-luku
Umuhulu-hulu, umuhuku-luku
Umuhulu-hulu, umuhuku-luku
Umuhulu-hulu, umuhuku-luku
Umuhulu-hulu, umuhuku-luku
Umuhulu-hulu, umuhuku-luku
Aah nduii, aaaah shkululu
Aah nduii, aaaah shkululu
Oya oya nina dai riz ya goro
Hey hey, I have a claim, give me some money
Ninadai peddy ataniguza ndani ya ngoro
I claim a partner who will touch me deep inside
Lima madam chaser nina kitambla
Beautiful lady, I have some change
Shika utam nyuma nina kibiangla
Grab my waist, I have a nice behind
Dunga masilver mbogi ina udiangra
Spend your silver, the crew has style
Roga mchawi jua kuna uganga
Cast a spell, witch, know that there's magic
Penda ngwati kwani we ni mganga
Love the youth, because you are a healer
Aah ahahaha kwni we ni mganga?
Aah ahahaha, because you are a healer?
Ni weekendi imefika na tuna dunda na
The weekend has arrived and we're vibing with
Shika jaba upite baze saka wasupa na
Grab a drink, pass by, let's go out with the crew
Tafta mali piga chumz saka mstiri na
Look for money, call a friend, let's get some cash and
Tujinyc si hadi watii sio dabonge na
Let's enjoy ourselves, it's not a joke, not a sham
Leo club kwashika kwawaka
Today the club is on fire
Na madem wamebeba kiwajaka
And the ladies have brought their A-game
Dj cheza za Dabonge na Ghapuka
DJ, play some Dabonge and Ghapuka
Ju madem wana-whine reggea dingehota
Because the ladies are whining to reggae, it's hot
Kuna manzi amevalia kighetto
There's a girl dressed in ghetto style
Cheki vile anachezea kiboko
Look how she's dancing with energy
Qoqos naye chini ameanza na vituko
Qoqos is down there starting with his antics
Amechanganya tei na ndom no nie ndigehota
He's mixed tea and rum, now it's a hot mess
Let's go!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Hii koti ni baggy, baggy
This jacket is baggy, baggy
Hii koti ni baggy, baggy
This jacket is baggy, baggy
Imebeba bangi, bangi
It carries weed, weed
Imebeba bangi, bangi
It carries weed, weed
Hii koti ni ya para para
This jacket is for the streets
Hii koti ni ya para para
This jacket is for the streets
Kamehunyo ndio kung'ora ni kupara
It's been smoked, so to roll is to smoke again
Cheki nawang′ara yoh mi ni para
Look how I shine, yo, I'm shining
Pedi pedi zangu zawamedi
My shoes are worn out
Zakung'ora najua utasteady
If I smoke them, I know you'll be steady
Mdogo mdogo hadi na uwetty
Little by little, until you're wet
Kena kutu kanadai kitu
This girl wants something
Ine ine mrosho hebu cheki
Look at this beautiful body
Wena dina kubwa ka ya nyuki
Your behind is big like a bee's
Inamia nikupige kiki
Let me give you a kiss
Kiki kiki kiki za matiti
Kisses, kisses, kisses on your breasts
Ni weekendy imefika na tuna dunda na
The weekend has arrived and we're vibing with
Shika jaba upite baze saka wasupa na
Grab a drink, pass by, let's go out with the crew
Tafta mali piga chumz saka mstiri na
Look for money, call a friend, let's get some cash and
Tujinyc si hadi watii sio dabonge na
Let's enjoy ourselves, it's not a joke, not a sham
Leo club kwashika kwawaka
Today the club is on fire
Na madem wamebeba kiwajaka
And the ladies have brought their A-game
Dj cheza za Dabonge na Ghapuka
DJ, play some Dabonge and Ghapuka
Ju madem wana-whine reggea dingehota
Because the ladies are whining to reggae, it's hot
Kuna manzi amevalia kighetto
There's a girl dressed in ghetto style
Cheki vile anachezea kiboko
Look how she's dancing with energy
Qoqos naye chini ameanza na vituko
Qoqos is down there starting with his antics
Amechanganya tei na ndom no nie ndigehota
He's mixed tea and rum, now it's a hot mess
Let's go!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Mmmh aah, Ndingehota!
Mmmh aah, It's hot!
Nidrop ie pin mama hare Wanjiku
Let me drop this pin, mama, hare Wanjiku
Wacha niji-introduce tu na mathongo
Let me introduce myself with some stories
Ka ni mboka mi hupiga tu pickpocketing
If I'm broke, I just pickpocket
Na si ile ya wizi yaani pickpocketing
And not the kind of stealing, I mean pickpocketing love
Can't cheat can die usicheat your guy
Can't cheat can die, don't cheat on your partner
Ju pia ye anaweza onyeshwa thigh (Uko sure beib?)
Because they can also be shown some thigh (Are you sure babe?)
Thigh ju pia ye anaweza onyeshwa thigh
Thigh because they can also be shown some thigh
Irriz what irriz
Irriz what irriz
Irriz what irriz
Irriz what irriz

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