Santa RM feat. Crasek & Carlos AlmaVieja - Anda Ve - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Santa RM feat. Crasek & Carlos AlmaVieja - Anda Ve

Anda Ve
Go Tell Her
Antes que te vayas
Before you leave,
Quiero que hagas un favor...
I want you to do me a favor...
Anda ve y dile
Go tell her
Que los Ángeles no existen aquí
That angels don't exist here,
Que yo también me confundí la primer vez que te vi
That I too was confused the first time I saw you,
Que no confié en ti, que jamás te obsequié todo
That I didn't trust you, that I never gave you my all,
Que jamás intenté darte celos por que te sabes los modos
That I never tried to make you jealous because you know how,
Tell her!
Que tenga cuidado si está a tu lado
To be careful if she's by your side,
(Tell her!)
Que tu bipolaridad está girando como un dado
That your bipolarity is spinning like a dice,
Que tal vez un día sea el dueño de tu corazón
That maybe one day he'll be the owner of your heart,
O tal vez termine dándome ideas para esta canción.
Or maybe he'll end up giving me ideas for this song.
Que prepare sus puños que va a doler
Tell him to get his fists ready, it's gonna hurt
Cuando lo dejes y termine pegándole a la pared
When you leave him and he ends up punching the wall,
Por que la vida es tan extraña y tu me hiciste tanto daño
Because life is so strange and you hurt me so much,
Cuando un corazón se daña no se cura con los años
When a heart is damaged, it doesn't heal with the years.
Yo que me olvidé de mi, de mis sueños y mis metas
I forgot about myself, my dreams and my goals,
Yo solo pensaba en ti en ser tu dueño y tu poeta
I only thought about you, about being your owner and your poet,
Por que la vida y muerte caben en tres letras, lo noté!
Because life and death fit in three letters, I noticed!
Me diste un T.Q.M y después un D.E.P
You gave me an ILY and then a RIP.
Tell him!
Que jamás te intenté comprender
That I never tried to understand you,
Que no se enamore o te va a perder...
That he shouldn't fall in love or he'll lose you...
Que no quieres cosas serias
That you don't want serious things,
Que después de la tormenta viene la miseria
That after the storm comes misery.
Dile que el amor le tiene que doler
Tell him that love has to hurt him,
Que cuando te marches no vas a volver
That when you leave, you won't come back.
Anda ve y dile antes del llanto
Go tell him before the tears,
Si me hubieras dicho a mi quizás no habría dolido tanto
If you had told me, maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much.
Dile que no hable de él por que todo se basa en ti
Tell him not to talk about him because everything is based on you,
Que guarde el corazón con llave o se lo partes como a mi
That he should keep his heart locked away or you'll break it like you did mine.
Que eres de piedra vistiendo en rosas, pero eres hiedra
That you're made of stone dressed in roses, but you're ivy,
Que corra se aleje antes que pierda hasta la última gota de alma...
That he should run away before he loses even the last drop of his soul...
Que no bese tus labios por que esa es tu mejor arma
That he shouldn't kiss your lips because that's your best weapon.
Dile que no busque enamorar a quien alguien ya enamoro
Tell him not to try to make someone fall in love who someone else already made fall in love,
Que pierde el tiempo contigo
That he's wasting his time with you,
Que antes de él estuve yo
That before him, there was me,
Y si no cree...
And if he doesn't believe it...
Dile que puede dar la vuelta y preguntarme
Tell him he can turn around and ask me,
Que yo le contaré...
That I will tell him...
Lo que eres en verdad y lo que buscas causar en él
What you really are and what you seek to cause in him.
Dile que tu sabes erdonar y que siempre
Tell him that you know how to forgive and that you always
lo pides todo, que a veces tu no des nada
ask for everything, that sometimes you give nothing,
Pero ni modo así es tu modo que de
But oh well, that's your way, that of
todos dijiste siempre que siempre sería yo
everyone, you always said it would always be me,
Y hoy te fuiste con él dile por si escucha lo mismo
And today you left with him, tell him in case he hears the same thing.
Tell him!
Que jamás te intenté comprender
That I never tried to understand you,
Que no se enamore o te va a perder...
That he shouldn't fall in love or he'll lose you...
Que no quieres cosas serias
That you don't want serious things,
Que después de la tormenta viene la miseria
That after the storm comes misery.
Dile que el amor le tiene que doler
Tell him that love has to hurt him,
Que cuando te marches no vas a volver
That when you leave, you won't come back.
Anda ve y dile antes del llanto
Go tell him before the tears,
Si me hubieras dicho a mi quizás no habría dolido tanto
If you had told me, maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much.
Anda ve y dile que todo lo nuestro se terminó
Go tell him that everything between us is over,
Que nuestra historia ya es historia
That our story is already history,
Que el pasado ya pasó y que el amor ya se murió
That the past is past and the love has already died,
Lo disolviste en mi llanto y ahora
You dissolved it in my tears and now
canto tus recuerdos para morirme más lento
I sing your memories to die more slowly,
Así que dile que duele si lo piensas dejar
So tell him it hurts if you plan to leave him
Como lo hiciste conmigo
Like you did with me,
Si a el no lo quieres matar de amor
If you don't want to kill him with love
Porque tu no conoces la inmensa cantidad de dolor
Because you don't know the immense amount of pain
Que tu inyectaste para envenenar mi corazón
That you injected to poison my heart
Y no hay antídoto que sane en varios días
And there is no antidote that heals in several days,
Pues si el tiempo perdido fue la causa
Because if lost time was the cause,
El tiempo no cura esas herida
Time doesn't heal those wounds,
Y dirás que yo estoy muy equivocado
And you'll say that I'm very wrong,
Pero mírame, me marchito si no te tengo aquí a mi lado
But look at me, I wither if I don't have you by my side,
No puedo más ¡no!
I can't take it anymore, no!
Anda ve y dile que así va a terminar y él es el que sigue
Go tell him that this is how it's going to end and he's the next one,
Yo ya no puedo más no...
I can't take it anymore, no...
Anda ve y dile
Go tell him
Que yo ya me morí y él es el que sigue
That I already died and he's the next one,
Tell him!
Que jamás te intenté comprender
That I never tried to understand you,
Que no se enamore o te va a perder...
That he shouldn't fall in love or he'll lose you...
Que no quieres cosas serias
That you don't want serious things,
Que después de la tormenta viene la miseria
That after the storm comes misery.
Dile que el amor le tiene que doler
Tell him that love has to hurt him,
Que cuando te marches no vas a volver
That when you leave, you won't come back.
Anda ve y dile antes del llanto
Go tell him before the tears,
Si me hubieras dicho a mi quizás no habría dolido tanto
If you had told me, maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much.
Tell him!
Que jamás te intenté comprender
That I never tried to understand you,
Que no se enamore o te va a perder...
That he shouldn't fall in love or he'll lose you...
Que no quieres cosas serias
That you don't want serious things,
Que después de la tormenta viene la miseria
That after the storm comes misery.
Dile que el amor le tiene que doler
Tell him that love has to hurt him,
Que cuando te marches no vas a volver
That when you leave, you won't come back.
Anda ve y dile antes del llanto
Go tell him before the tears,
Si me hubieras dicho a mi quizás no habría dolido tanto...
If you had told me, maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much...


Santa RM feat. Crasek & Carlos AlmaVieja - Bajo Zero
Bajo Zero
date of release

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