Santa RM feat. Crox & Mudo - Por Que - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Santa RM feat. Crox & Mudo - Por Que

Por Que
Quiero que sepas que a pesar de lo que has decidido
I want you to know that despite what you've decided,
Mi corazón sigo latiendo
My heart keeps beating,
y no encuentro el motivo
And I can't find the reason
Para seguir viviendo si no estas conmigo
To keep living if you're not with me.
Me duele recordar aquel "podemos ser amigos"
It hurts to remember that "we can be friends,"
Y ya te has ido y sin motivo alguno me has dejado
And you've already left, leaving me for no reason.
Porque me isistes daño si jamas te abia fallado
Why did you hurt me if I never failed you?
La razón no la encontre se que te hice mil preguntas
I haven't found the reason, I know I asked you a thousand questions,
Pero ya me decidi solo respondeme PORQUE?
But I've made up my mind, just answer me WHY?
Despues que me respondas juro que lo entendere
After you answer me, I swear I'll understand.
Secare todas mis lagrimas asi me marchare
I'll dry all my tears and then I'll leave.
Entendere que tenerte por siempre es imposible
I'll understand that having you forever is impossible,
Que pasaria ser uno mas sobre tu lista
That I would just be one more on your list
De gente imbisible y fue increible el tiempo
Of invisible people. And the time was incredible,
Que pase contigo quiero que sepas pequeña
The time I spent with you. I want you to know, little one,
Que siempre estaras conmigo quien diria
That you will always be with me. Who would have thought
Que lo mejor de mi vida acabaria en mi mundo
That the best part of my life would end up in my own world?
Pero aun amandote sigo, cuidate mucho
But even though I still love you, take care of yourself
Y disfruta cada segundo
And enjoy every second,
atentamente el que jamas sera tu amigo
Sincerely, the one who will never be your friend.
Y a quien le doy aquellos besos que jamas te di
And to whom do I give those kisses I never gave you?
Y a quien le digo aquellas frases que nunca escribi
And to whom do I say those phrases I never wrote?
Y a quien le digo que me devuelva la vida
And to whom do I tell to give me back my life
Si tu te la llevastes y me haz dejado mil heridas
If you took it away and left me with a thousand wounds?
Y a quien le doy aquellos besos que jamas te di
And to whom do I give those kisses I never gave you?
Y a quien le digo aquellas frases que nunca escribi
And to whom do I say those phrases I never wrote?
Y a quien le digo que me devuelva la vida
And to whom do I tell to give me back my life
Si tu te la llevastes y me haz dejado mil heridas
If you took it away and left me with a thousand wounds?
Te fui a buscar pero tu no te encontrabas
I went looking for you, but you were nowhere to be found.
Entre sueños fotos, y en recuerdos te buscaba
Among dreams, photos, and memories, I searched for you.
Te marcaba y me colgabas buscando una explicasion
I called you and you hung up on me, looking for an explanation.
Nose que es lo que te pasa y no eh encontrado la razón
I don't know what's wrong with you and I haven't found the reason.
Nose porque pero ya al estar contigo
I don't know why, but already being with you,
Te note diferente como ausente no conmigo
I noticed you were different, as if absent, not with me.
Me pides que sea tu amigo y no quieres seguir con esto
You ask me to be your friend and you don't want to continue with this.
Aclarame mis dudas y a ti ya no te molesto
Clear my doubts and I won't bother you anymore.
Dime porque te marchastes dime en que te falle
Tell me why you left, tell me how I failed you.
Si desde el comienzo de esto sabes que yo a ti te ame
If from the beginning of this you know that I loved you.
Eras mi razón de ser y ahora no me queda nada
You were my reason for being and now I have nothing left.
Ayudame a ser fuerte y despertar mejor mañana
Help me be strong and wake up better tomorrow.
Despertar a tu lado siempre juntos tu y yo
Wake up by your side, always together, you and I,
Sin preocupacion de nada ni de que marca el reloj
Without worrying about anything or what the clock says.
Tan solo dime un motivo para aquella desicion
Just give me a reason for that decision,
Pero no quiero que sientas por mi solo compasion
But I don't want you to feel only compassion for me.
Quiero saber la verdad, saber que te hizo marchar
I want to know the truth, to know what made you leave.
Y pase lo que pase no te dejare de amar
And no matter what happens, I will not stop loving you.
Y a quien le doy aquellos besos que jamas te di
And to whom do I give those kisses I never gave you?
Y a quien le digo aquellas frases que nunca escribi
And to whom do I say those phrases I never wrote?
Y a quien le digo que me devuelva la vida
And to whom do I tell to give me back my life
Si tu te la llevastes y me haz dejado mil heridas
If you took it away and left me with a thousand wounds?
Y a quien le doy aquellos besos que jamas te di
And to whom do I give those kisses I never gave you?
Y a quien le digo aquellas frases que nunca escribi
And to whom do I say those phrases I never wrote?
Y a quien le digo que me devuelva la vida
And to whom do I tell to give me back my life
Si tu te la llevastes y me haz dejado mil heridas
If you took it away and left me with a thousand wounds?

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