Sehabe - Sehabe'ye - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sehabe - Sehabe'ye

To Sehabe
Sende sevgi öldü çünkü mezarlıkta geziyordun
Your love died because you were walking in a graveyard
Her sabah aynı profilde geziyordun
Every morning you were browsing the same profile
Bilmiyordun saat 10'dan önce uyanırdım
You didn't know I used to wake up before 10am
Biz bütünken bile yarımdık
Even when we were together, we were incomplete
Ruhunun kutuplarında yanmayan ateştik
We were the fire that didn't burn at the poles of your soul
Senin özgürlüğün bendim sen tutsaklığı seçtin
My freedom was you, but you chose captivity
Büyük bir şair olmak havalı hatta
It's cool to be a great poet, even
Ama seninki gökyüzü diye tavana bakmak
But yours is looking at the ceiling and calling it the sky
Üzüntü gereksizse bence lüzumsuzdur
If sadness is unnecessary, I think it's superfluous
Sen salaklığına yandın ama baya uzun sürdü
You burned in your own stupidity, but it took a long time
Hayat akıp gidiyor bak, madden ve manen
Life is passing by, look, materially and spiritually
Sen sırtındaki kurşunları saymaya devam et
Keep counting the bullets on your back
İnsanlar ayrılır barışır
People break up and make up
Bizimki sadece zaman kaybının yarışı
Ours was just a race to waste time
Küllerimi savurun ölümü yakın
Scatter my ashes, death is near
Aşkın yaşı yok ama ölümü yakın
Love has no age, but its death is near
Özledim bile diyemez
She can't even say she misses me
Masumu oynar uslu uslu
She plays the innocent, obediently
Hissettiğim hep suçsuzluktu
All I felt was innocence
Sen mutsuz değildin mutsuzluktun
You weren't unhappy, you were unhappiness itself
Masumu oynar uslu uslu
She plays the innocent, obediently
Hissettiğim hep suçsuzluktu
All I felt was innocence
Sen mutsuz değildin mutsuzluktun
You weren't unhappy, you were unhappiness itself
Ben ağaç değil çiçektim sen anlamadın farkı
I was a flower, not a tree, you didn't understand the difference
Mal gibi gittin bir de tüm ormanı yaktın
You foolishly went and burned down the whole forest
Fazla gördü hayat seni, tek isteğimi
Life burdened you with me, my only wish
Biri seni üzer ama ben herkes değilim
Someone will hurt you, but I'm not everyone
Yan yanayken bile soğuktun her zaman üşümüştük
Even when we were together, you were always cold, we were frozen
Tango senin neyine lan onda bile düşürmüştün
What did you want with tango? You even fell in that
Değer bilseydin, bu kalbi alsaydın
If you had appreciated me, you would have taken this heart
Keşke demeseydin, keşke gizemli kalsaydın
I wish you hadn't said it, I wish you had stayed mysterious
Maalesef hepsi gerçek
Unfortunately, it's all true
Salaklığına doyma şimdi bence
I think you can't get enough of your stupidity
Beni karanlık büyüttü güneşe yok saygım
Darkness raised me, I have no respect for the sun
Eğer mum ışığıysam dibimde dursaydın
If I am the candlelight, you should have stayed by me
Hayır, sandın ki gözlerim hep senin
No, you thought my eyes were always on you
Beni üzsen de üzmedim hiç seni
Even when you hurt me, I never hurt you
Ruhumdaki tendin
Your tendon in my soul
Hayal ederken bi' gece yaşamayı isterdim
In my dreams, I wish I could live a night
Özledim bile diyemez
She can't even say she misses me
Masumu oynar uslu uslu
She plays the innocent, obediently
Hissettiğim hep suçsuzluktu
All I felt was innocence
Sen mutsuz değildin mutsuzluktun
You weren't unhappy, you were unhappiness itself
Masumu oynar uslu uslu
She plays the innocent, obediently
Hissettiğim hep suçsuzluktu
All I felt was innocence
Sen mutsuz değildin mutsuzluktun
You weren't unhappy, you were unhappiness itself

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