Separ feat. SMART - No signal - translation of the lyrics into English

No signal - Smart , Separ translation in English

No signal
No Signal
Nepýtaj sa ma, drž hubu, daj si šluk, ťa do kludu
Don't ask me, shut your mouth, take a drag, it'll calm you down, girl
Načapuj mi rum zo sudu, potom vyrazím do klubu
Pour me some rum from the barrel, then I'm heading to the club
Majitel by chcel aby sme začali hrať tak na druhú (čo?)
The owner wants us to start playing at two (what?)
Je to nezmysel jak v bordeli vylízať kurve fugu (piče)
It's nonsense like licking a pufferfish in a brothel (bitches)
Ale hovorím mu okej bro, len zdvojnásobím sumu
But I tell him okay bro, I'll just double the price
Kde lóve tam je vôľa, veci boli, a budú
Where there's money, there's a will, things were, are and will be
Zabezpečím si dôchodok, nebudem sa motať v kruhu
I'll secure my retirement, I won't be running in circles
Nejsom na svete len preto, lebo otec nemal gumu (brrr)
I'm not in this world just because my dad didn't wear a rubber (brrr)
Môj rap je heroín, namrvím to rovno do novín
My rap is heroin, I'll crumble it straight into the newspapers
Nerobím nič iné len to zabalím a letíš do piče Gagarin (preč)
I don't do anything else, just wrap it up and you're flying to fuck Gagarin (gone)
Robím to rád aj zarobím, ne žiadna maska Halloween
I do it for fun and I make money, not some Halloween mask
Tvoj rap sračku choroby, ten hnus rôzne podoby (bleh)
Your rap has shit diseases, that filth has many forms (bleh)
Jadro je diera donut, povrchne letím ponad (ňu)
The core is a donut hole, I superficially fly over it
V klube ma netrápia tie problémy, že kto a čo (jebať)
In the club, I'm not bothered by those problems, who has what (fuck it)
Keď ku ním prídeš znova, radšej zostanú doma
When you come to them again, they'd rather stay home
V piatok chcú vyjebať hlavu more ne horekovať
On Friday they want to fuck their heads up, not grieve
Tento hook neni dobrý je to piča refrén
This hook isn't good, it's a shitty chorus
Je to jedno aj tak to celé šľape jak kretén
It doesn't matter, it all works like a moron anyway
Zožral som to celé za desať minút jak rezeň
I ate it all in ten minutes like a schnitzel
Aj tak mám charizmu jakú nemáte ani jeden
I still have charisma that none of you have
Tento hook neni dobrý je to piča refrén
This hook isn't good, it's a shitty chorus
Je to jedno aj tak to celé šľape jak kretén
It doesn't matter, it all works like a moron anyway
Zožral som to celé za desať minút jak rezeň
I ate it all in ten minutes like a schnitzel
Aj tak mám charizmu jakú nemáte ani jeden
I still have charisma that none of you have
Neviem, na čo si tak vážny
I don't know why you're so serious
Si jak jedlo, v ktorom vlasy
You're like food with hair in it
Si jak robota, v napiču práci
You're like a robot in a shitty job
Si jak biznis, ktorý sa ti neoplatí (ey)
You're like a business that's not worth it (ey)
Mne to ide samé od seba, more čum
It comes naturally to me, just watch
To, že padám dole len reči, iba šum
That I'm falling down is just talk, just noise
Vybuchnem jak vyjebaná bomba, bum (čo?)
I'll explode like a fucking bomb, boom (what?)
More tik tik bum
Like tick tick boom
Keď nevidíš kvalitu, tak si daj zoom
If you don't see the quality, zoom in
Odovzdal som jedenásty album
I released my eleventh album
Keby ste to chceli zapiť, si dám rum
If you want to celebrate, I'll have some rum
Kým nebudeme ráno škaredí jak gloom
Until we're ugly as gloom in the morning
No signal, rozbití na miňdár
No signal, smashed to smithereens
Miesto mozgu mám starý cimbál
Instead of a brain, I have an old cymbal
Vo vačkoch mám lóve, ktoré som vyhral
In my pockets I have money that I won
Zrodil sa nový král jak Simba
A new king was born like Simba
Žiarim ty kurva jak stroj na pinball
I shine like a fucking pinball machine
Tučné rapy jak New York Freestyle
Fat raps like New York Freestyle
Jak diskotéky, moshpity v prilbách
Like discos, mosh pits in helmets
Vyjebaný pravek jak Fred a Vilma
Fucking prehistoric like Fred and Wilma
Tento hook neni dobrý je to piča refrén
This hook isn't good, it's a shitty chorus
Je to jedno aj tak to celé šľape jak kretén
It doesn't matter, it all works like a moron anyway
Zožral som to celé za desať minút jak rezeň
I ate it all in ten minutes like a schnitzel
Aj tak mám charizmu jakú nemáte ani jeden
I still have charisma that none of you have
Tento hook neni dobrý je to piča refrén
This hook isn't good, it's a shitty chorus
Je to jedno aj tak to celé šľape jak kretén
It doesn't matter, it all works like a moron anyway
Zožral som to celé za desať minút jak rezeň
I ate it all in ten minutes like a schnitzel
Aj tak mám charizmu jakú nemáte ani jeden
I still have charisma that none of you have
Refrén je hovno mne to moc nevadí
The chorus is shit, I don't really care
Hlavne, že nahrávam slohu Separovi
The main thing is that I'm recording a verse for Separ
Prijebem kokaín, stieklo mi C'est La Vie
I'll snort some cocaine, my C'est La Vie flowed down
Srdce mám v kokote aj tak nepolavím
My heart is in my dick, I'm not giving up anyway
Najväčší odpad je žena s pivom
The biggest trash is a woman with beer
Kopnem ju do piči, trafím ju kríglom
I'll kick her in the cunt, hit her with a mug
Skočím jej na chrbát, zajebem hijó
I'll jump on her back, yell "hiyo!"
Zapálim cigu, ja som Hood Hero
Light a cigarette, I'm a Hood Hero
Tvoja matka je kurva, sestra je kurva
Your mother is a whore, your sister is a whore
Otec je kurva, jebať takú rodinu
Your father is a whore, fuck that family
Babka je kurva, dedko je kurva
Your grandma is a whore, your grandpa is a whore
Som starý kokot asi umrem o hodinu
I'm an old prick, I'll probably die in an hour
Keby som ako ty, tak mám deti v hniezde záchrany
If I were like you, I'd have kids in a safe haven
Chodil by som na dovolenku do vlastnej záhrady
I'd go on vacation to my own garden
Keby sme ako vy, miesto backstage máme záchody
If we were like you, we'd have toilets instead of a backstage
Keby som ako ty, tak sa strelím kušou do hlavy
If I were like you, I'd shoot myself in the head with a crossbow
Ty tupý kokot skurvený
You stupid fucking dickhead
Ale ne
But no

Writer(s): Michael Kmet, Michal Vanysek, Tomas Lacko

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