Sexy Marsa - Sreken Rodenden - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Sexy Marsa - Sreken Rodenden

Sreken Rodenden
Happy Birthday, Mom
I denes uzivaj vo tvojot den
Have fun on your birthday
I Sekoj den da ti e poseben
And let every day be special
I denes uzivaj vo tvojot den
Have fun on your birthday
I Sekoj den da ti e poseben
And let every day be special
Draga mama sreken rodenden
Happy birthday, dear mom
Yaah sreken rodenden
Yay, happy birthday
Draga mama sreken rodenden
Happy birthday, dear mom
Yaaah sreken rodenden
Yay, happy birthday
Denes e tvojot den
Today is your day
I sreken sum sto imam moznost ovoj ubav den
I'm happy that I have the privilege today
Da ti kazam fala mama sto ne izrasna kreten
To tell you thank you, mom, for not raising a jerk
Za pravednost i pravi vrednosti si doajen
For fairness and true values, you are a master
Nesebicen si covek prema drugi posveten
You are a selfless person to others, dedicated
I sekogas ti si me ucela
And you have always taught me
Pravedno da se rasuduva
To judge fairly
Sekoj ima svoja sudbina
Everyone has their own destiny
I ne treba da se osuduva
And should not be condemned
Imaj pocit prema site bidi stalno fer
Have respect for everyone, be always fair
Nemoj da si gomnar sine nitu profiter
Don't be a miser, son, nor a profiteer
Bidi toa sto go sakas gentleman I officer
Be what you love, a gentleman and an officer
I biraj dali ke si covek ili ke si zver
And choose whether you'll be a human or a beast
Sekoj trasira svoi patista
Everyone walks their own path
Fala ti sto si mi poddrska
Thank you for your support
Bezrezervna vo site vreminja
Unreservedly at all times
Pamtam deka bevme samo jas I ti
I remember when it was just you and me
Vo dzeb ne poveke od 30 denari
No more than 30 denarii in the pocket
Zdravstveni kniski, sini kartoni
Health booklets, blue cards
I sin so problemi respiratorni
And a son with respiratory problems
Plakase vo avtobus i za 2 stanici
You cried on the bus for 2 stops
I duri koga tie ti bea posledni
And you were the last one standing
Pobornik si golem za stvari ispravni
You are a great champion for right things
Eh ko tebe da se site majki istrajni
Oh, if only all mothers were as persistent as you
Pamtam koga te nemase so nedeli
I remember when you were gone for weeks
Doktori, ispituvanja, bakterii
Doctors, tests, bacteria
Pamtam vkus na gevreci sedenje pred bolnici
I remember the taste of pretzels sitting outside the hospital
Ocive rasplakani I me lazat mornici
Eyes filled with tears, and the sailors teasing me
Ne si samo borec ti kreativen tvorec si
You are not only a fighter, you are a creative creator
Sitezivotni prepreki samata gi prebrodi
Throughout your life, you have overcome every obstacle yourself
Dur celi nedeli se cinea ko vtornici
For weeks, you have been spinning like Tuesdays
Zivotot e tombola I e more promeni
Life is a lottery and can change a lot
No se e dobro koga dobro ke se zavrsi
But it's good when it ends well
Ne e samo taga polno e so radosti
It's not only full of sadness, it's full of joys
Sme vkusile ubavini porazile I gadosti
We've tasted beauty, defeat, and disgust
Samo da si ziva i samo da si zdrava ti
Just be alive and be healthy
A ima ubavi momenti yee
And there are beautiful moments, yeah
Za niv losite fragmenti see
Don't ask about the bad fragments, see
Najbitno da se raduvamee
The most important thing is that we enjoy ourselves
I denes uzivaj vo tvojot den
Have fun on your birthday
I Sekoj den da ti e poseben
And let every day be special
I denes uzivaj vo tvojot den
Have fun on your birthday
I Sekoj den da ti e poseben
And let every day be special
Draga mama sreken rodenden
Happy birthday, dear mom
Yaah sreken rodenden
Yay, happy birthday
Draga mama sreken rodenden
Happy birthday, dear mom
Yaaah sreken rodenden
Yay, happy birthday
Denes e tvojot den
Today is your day

Writer(s): Filip Samardjiev

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