Shift feat. Lariss - Codificat - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Shift feat. Lariss - Codificat

Noi ne minţim de fapt
We really lie to ourselves
Şi-o ştim fiecare
And we all know it
adevărul doare
That truth hurts
Vorbim codificat
We speak in code
Şi-o luăm ca atare
And we take it as it is
adevărul doare
That truth hurts
Vorbim codificat, sufletu-i complicat şi totul e risipă
We speak in code, our souls are complicated and everything is a waste
ăsta-i un păcat şi eu nu-s împăcat cu mine nicio clipă
That this is a sin and I'm not at peace with myself for a moment
Tu eşti cea mai cea şi asta datorită faptului nu eşti obişnuită
You are the best and that's because you're not ordinary
M-ascund de mine în mine, îmi face rău, dar răul e aşa de bine şi asta agită
I hide from myself in myself, it hurts me, but the hurt feels so good and it drives me crazy
flacăra aprinsă, da' dragostea dispare, preferăm minciuni
That the flame is lit, but love disappears, we prefer lies
Atâţia nori; de unde atâta soare? Vorbim codificat
So many clouds; where is all this sunshine? We speak in code
Hai, noi, două păsări călătoare, n-aveam nevoie de nicio confirmare
Come on, we two birds of passage, we didn't need any confirmation
Azi cad în gol şi simt n-am scăpare, nu mai eşti tu pista de aterizare
Today I fall into the void and feel that I have no escape, that you are no longer the landing strip
Noi ne minţim de fapt
We really lie to ourselves
Şi-o ştim fiecare
And we all know it
adevărul doare
That truth hurts
Vorbim codificat
We speak in code
Şi-o luăm ca atare
And we take it as it is
adevărul doare
That truth hurts
Nu văd vreo consolare, văd semne de-ntrebare, prefer doar vorbe goale
I don't see any consolation, I see question marks, I prefer only empty words
Efecte secundare, sufletul nu-i în stare ia asta ca stare
Side effects, the soul is not able to take this as a state
Iee, şi ne rănim ne iubim, doar aşa simţim, iubind ne rănim
Whoa, and we hurt ourselves because we love each other, because that's the only way we feel, loving to hurt ourselves
Iubind nu mai ştim de noi, suntem la fel şi-n haine vechi şi-n haine noi
Loving not to know about ourselves anymore, we are the same in old clothes and in new clothes
doar extremele se atrag; Ce poză tare! le dăm un tag
That only extremes attract each other; What a great picture! Let's give them a tag
Prefer tac când văd distrai, atâtea gânduri, prefer sustrag
I prefer to be silent when I see that I entertain myself, so many thoughts, I prefer to withdraw
Da' unde duc? Zi-mi tu unde te duci, nu mai ştii de unde vi, zi-mi tu unde fugi
But where should I go? Tell me where you are going, because you don't know where you come from anymore, tell me where you are running
Rămân doar trandafiri cu spini, pe strada noastră, de fapt doar doi străini
Only thorny roses remain, on our street, in fact only two strangers
Noi ne minţim de fapt
We really lie to ourselves
Şi-o ştim fiecare
And we all know it
adevărul doare
That truth hurts
Vorbim codificat
We speak in code
Şi-o luăm ca atare
And we take it as it is
adevărul doare
That truth hurts

Writer(s): istrate gabriel mihai, alex cotoi, lariss

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