Shoxrux - Davom Etar - translation of the lyrics into English

Davom Etar - Shoxruxtranslation in English

Davom Etar
Life Goes On
Hayot davom etar oshaman deb kundan-kun
Life goes on, day by day, we hope to heal
Kimnidir umri qisqa, kimniki uzur
Some lives are short, some endure
Kimgadir Xudo kifoya, kimlardir majnun
For some, God is enough, some are lost in love's allure
Ayrimlari quruq holda, holiga mamnun
Others, empty-handed, content with their state pure
Bormi yoki yo'qmi, bir maromda kayfiyat
Whether it's there or not, their mood is always the same
Boshpanaga qaramas, ularda yo'q hasad
Regardless of shelter, they hold no envy's flame
Zamon emas o'zgaradi odamdagi haqiqat
It's not time that changes, but the truth within a man
Yaxshilarimiz ustoz, yomonlarimiz ibrat
The good ones are our teachers, the bad ones, a lesson's plan
Sho'rliklari nolimoqda, o'g'il bermapti Xudo
The poor ones lament, God hasn't given them a son
Qiz farzandni odam demay, topmay hayotdan ma'no
They don't consider a daughter a person, finding no meaning, none
Yuribtilar qirqdan oshib ikki xonadon aro
They wander, past forty, between two households torn
Muammoga to'la boshga ortirib yana balo
Adding more burden to a head already worn
"Anglaganda umr tugar, qilma o'g'lim xatolar"
"Life ends when you understand, don't make mistakes, my son"
Derlar xatolarni qilib oxir dono bo'lganlar
They say mistakes make one wise when all is said and done
Har xil taqdir hodisa meni o'ylantirar
Different fates and incidents make me ponder and reflect
Zamonamni ko'rmoqdaman, hayot davom etar!
I witness my time, life goes on, I suspect!
Biz tarix bo'lib qolamiz, hayot esa davom etar!
We become history, but life, it will go on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
O'rnimizga bizni eslab turadiganlar qolar!
Those who remember us will remain when we are gone!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Biz tarix bo'lib qolamiz, hayot esa davom etar!
We become history, but life, it will go on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
O'rnimizga bizni eslab turadiganlar qolar!
Those who remember us will remain when we are gone!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Kimdur dilni tuzatar, kim hammani ranjitar
Some mend hearts, some cause pain and despair
Baqirmasang ish bitmas deb yuraklarni to'zitar
They say, "Without shouting, nothing gets done," filling hearts with care
Ba'zilar shirin so'zlarda mavzularini yoritar
Some with sweet words illuminate their themes so bright
Gapirsalar hazil qilib kayfiyat ko'tarilar
When they speak, it's with humor, lifting spirits with delight
Kimdur aybni yashirar, kimdurga g'iybat ortiq
Some hide their guilt, for others, gossip takes its toll
Yaxshi bo'laman debam haliyam qalbi buzuq
Trying to be good, their hearts remain cold and dull
Shuning uchun o'rtadagi munosabatda chiziq
That's why there's a line in relationships, it's plain to see
Odam odamdan qo'rqadi shunisi juda qiziq
People fear each other, that's what intrigues me
"Bizning zamon odamlari boshqacha edi" derlar
"People of our time were different," they say with a sigh
Shoch, soqoli oqartirgan yoshi ulug'lar
Those with gray hair and beards, aged and wise
Hozir esa kiyimning sifati hurmatga sabab
Now, the quality of clothes dictates respect, it's true
Odamiylik ortda qolib bormoqda bir gap
Humanity fades, that's the point I bring to you
Yetkanmigin murodiga, indamaslar na derlar?
If you haven't reached your goal, what will they say, I wonder?
So'rab ko'rginchi nima derlar marhumlar?
Ask what the deceased would say, ponder
Kimlardan qoldi dunyo, bizlardan ham bir kun qolar
Who left the world behind? We will too, someday
Zo'rlardan keyin ham, hayot davom etar!
Even after the strong ones, life goes on, come what may!
Biz tarix bo'lib qolamiz, hayot esa davom etar!
We become history, but life, it will go on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
O'rnimizga bizni eslab turadiganlar qolar!
Those who remember us will remain when we are gone!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Biz tarix bo'lib qolamiz, hayot esa davom etar!
We become history, but life, it will go on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
O'rnimizga bizni eslab turadiganlar qolar!
Those who remember us will remain when we are gone!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Biz tarix bo'lib qolamiz, hayot esa davom etar!
We become history, but life, it will go on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
O'rnimizga bizni eslab turadiganlar qolar!
Those who remember us will remain when we are gone!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
Biz tarix bo'lib qolamiz, hayot esa davom etar!
We become history, but life, it will go on!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!
O'rnimizga bizni eslab turadiganlar qolar!
Those who remember us will remain when we are gone!
Hayot davom etar!
Life goes on!

Writer(s): Shoxrux Shadmanov

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