Sigi MC - 24/7 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sigi MC - 24/7

Stahne jede tag uf
I get up every day
Laufe usem huus
I leave the house
Catch mi mit de crew mi sind duss
I meet up with the crew
Und glaubmer ich ha immer gseit gha ich schaffs und darum nimi uf
And believe me, I've always said I'm going to make it
Jede tag wird produced
Every day is produced
Vom bentley id booth
From Bentley to the booth
Ich nimm uf
I take it up
Will en pool i mim huus
Because I want a pool in my house
Mini jungs mached moves
My boys make moves
Müsst nüt sege jede wüssti wasi sege es isch 100 pro true
I don't have to say anything, everyone knows what I'm saying, it's 100% true
Du hesch ken clue
You have no clue
Aber du wotsch rede oke easy lah
But you want to talk, okay, easy, let go
Eus rede ich teache knowledge ad youth
I teach knowledge to the youth
S lebe lang uf eigne schine winen zug
Life is long, on our own, living the good life
De weg woni gah gaht gradus bis as ziel
The way I'm going is straight to the goal
Ich ha immer gseit das ich ma volli hallene spiel
I always said that I'm going to play full halls
Doch ich wird mich immer widerholle bisi ha wasi will
But I will repeat myself until I have what I want
Als wer mis lebe en film
Like my life is a movie
Bechume props wenni spiel
Get props when I play
Denn eusi musig die isch king
Because our music is king
& Ich han alles woni will
& I have everything I want
Mama wüsch die träne weg
Mom, wipe away the tears
Alles nümme schlimm
Everything is not so bad anymore
Ghustled wegm drill
Hustled our way through the drill
Gschaffed nüme viel
Made it, not much left
Vebi die ziit wo du dir sorge machsch um dis chind
The time you worry about your child is gone
Denn mir passed etz is bild
Because we now fit into the picture
Alles macht sinn
Everything makes sense
De weg woni gah gaht gradus bis as ziel
The way I'm going is straight to the goal
Ich ha immer gseit das ich ma volli hallene spiel
I always said that I'm going to play full halls
Doch ich wird mich immer widerholle bisi ha wasi will
But I will repeat myself until I have what I want
Eh das lebe isch sweet
Yeah, life is sweet
Ich gnüsse mini ziit
I enjoy my time
Will igendwenn isch si vebi
Because sometime it's gone
Und darum machi wasi will
And that's why I do what I want
Will nümme chrampfe füren chef
Because I don't want to work for the boss anymore
Schiss uf alles wegem stress
Fuck everything because of the stress
Eh würi nume halb so viel lebe wini schaffe weri alles doch perfekt
Yeah, if I only lived half as much as I work, everything would be perfect
Drum hani alles druff gsetzt
That's why I put everything on it
So als weri das s letschd
Like it was the last time
De weg woni gah gaht gradus bis as ziel
The way I'm going is straight to the goal
Ich ha immer gseit das ich ma volli hallene spiel
I always said that I'm going to play full halls
Doch ich wird mich immer widerholle bisi ha wasi will
But I will repeat myself until I have what I want
Eh ich leb nu eimal
Yeah, I only live once
Darum machis jede tag
That's why I do it every day
Mache nu no wasi lieb
I only do what I love
Und sie liebed wasi mach
And they love what I do
Ich ha liebi für die welt
I have love for the world
Au wenn sie gfühlt isch vo dem hass
Even when it's felt by hatred
Bi jedes weekend on stage oder igendwo im club
Every weekend on stage or somewhere in a club
Und spreade gueti vibes
And spread good vibes
S isch s einzig wo nöd gaht
It's the only thing that doesn't go away
Und s einzig woni ha
And the only thing I have
De weg woni gah gaht gradus bis as ziel
The way I'm going is straight to the goal
Ich ha immer gseit das ich ma volli hallene spiel
I always said that I'm going to play full halls
Doch ich wird mich immer widerholle bisi ha wasi will
But I will repeat myself until I have what I want

Sigi MC - S.U.12 EP
S.U.12 EP
date of release

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