Sima Martausová - Za život V Hore - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Sima Martausová - Za život V Hore

Za život V Hore
Living in the Wild
To, čo byť v džungli, človek z nej vyberá,
Taking all that should be found in the jungle, don't you see,
Myslím, že by ujali sa aj cirkusy bez zvierat,
I think circuses could manage well without animals,
Na čo len dobré kávičky z cibetky,
What good is coffee made from civet poo,
Keď ich preto musia presťahovať do klietky.
When it means keeping them caged and abused?
Hej, za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
Hey, for wild animals, we raise our hands,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
For wild animals, we raise our hands,
Každému vraví to svedomie svoje,
Our conscience tells us what is right,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore.
For wild animals, we raise our hands.
Keď som bola malá do zoo ma brávali,
When I was little, they'd take me to the zoo,
Slony chobotami všetkých nás uvítali,
Elephants welcomed us with their trunks,
Pri kaluži medveď spomínal na plesá,
A bear by the pool talked about mountain lakes,
Som si istá, že chcel vrátiť sa do lesa.
I'm sure he wanted to go back to the forest.
Hej, za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
Hey, for wild animals, we raise our hands,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
For wild animals, we raise our hands,
Každému vraví to svedomie svoje,
Our conscience tells us what is right,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore.
For wild animals, we raise our hands.
Za život v hore, za život v hore.
For wild animals, for wild animals.
Hej, za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
Hey, for wild animals, we raise our hands,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
For wild animals, we raise our hands,
Každému vraví to svedomie svoje,
Our conscience tells us what is right,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore.
For wild animals, we raise our hands.
Jak by sa nám páčilo keby opice nás zobrali,
How would we feel if apes took us,
Uviazali reťazami a ľudí na to lákali,
Tied us up with chains and put us on display for the masses,
Človek vládne svetu, nuž aj svet človeku,
Humans rule the world, but the world can rule us too,
Začínam od seba a nekupujem vstupenku.
I'm starting with myself and I'm not buying a ticket.
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
For wild animals, we raise our hands,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore,
For wild animals, we raise our hands,
Každému vraví to svedomie svoje,
Our conscience tells us what is right,
Za život v hore všetci ruky hore.
For wild animals, we raise our hands.

Writer(s): sima martausova

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