Sinan Özen - Binbir - translation of the lyrics into English

Binbir - Sinan Özentranslation in English

İnadına inadına açmış göğsünü
In spite of everything he has opened his chest
Marifetmiş gibi gezer
He walks around as if it is a feat
Bak şu zillinin ettiğine
Look at what this fool has done
Ne sever ne de vazgeçer
He neither loves nor gives up
Etme günahtır banada yazık
Don't commit sins, it's a shame for me too
Oldum sürünmekten beter
I am worse than a crawling
Günahı sevabı karıştırdım
I have confused sin with reward
Göz görür bu gönül çeker
My eyes see, my heart yearns
Yanakları al nardan sanki
Her cheeks are red, like a pomegranate
Gelmiş binbir diyardan
She has come from a thousand and one lands
Kız sokul öpeyim dudakları kiraz
Come closer, girl, let me kiss you, your lips are cherries
Al koynuna uçur biraz
Take me into your arms and let me fly for a while

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