Sivan Perwer - Yar Merheba - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sivan Perwer - Yar Merheba

Yar Merheba
Welcome Friend
Ez ji zûde dûrî welatim
I have been away from my homeland for a long time
kesên me, me bi tenê bernadin
But my people, they haven't forgotten me
Wan rojana mîvanek mine gellek ezîz û hêja hat
Every day I have a guest, very dear and worthy
Me li hal û demên hev dipirsî
We ask each other about our lives and times
Mijul bun û gilî û gazincê xwe got
We share our worries, complaints, and grievances
Yar merhaba can merhaba
Welcome friend, welcome dear
Ehlen we sehlen merhaba
Ehlen we sehlen, welcome
Tu bi xêr hatî bi xweşî hatî
You have come in peace, you have come with joy
Bi ser seran ser çavan
Above our heads, upon our eyes
Yar merhaba, yar merhaba
Welcome friend, welcome friend
Bi hatina te şa bûme
We are happy with your arrival
Sola xwe deyne were rune
Give me your hand and come sit
Lo mîvano de keremke
Here, dear guest, please
Were li kêleka min rune
Come sit beside me
Yar merhaba, yar merhaba
Welcome friend, welcome friend
Yar tu zane ez pir dûr mame
Friend, you know I am far away
Zûde ji welat qetîyame
Cut off from my country long ago
Yek caran mîvanên min
You come to me as a guest once in a while
bêgan û war mame
But I remain a stranger, without a home
Ka bêje çi heye li welat
Tell me, what is happening in our land?
çawa dibi kar û xebat
How is work and life?
Yar merhaba, yar merhaba
Welcome friend, welcome friend
Gava qal kir keser kişya
When he spoke, he shed a tear
Hûr hûr hêsir çavan meşîya
Slowly, a rug of sorrow spread across his eyes
Min nêri kûr fikirî
I didn't look at him, I thought deeply
Vîne da dil xwe ber êşiya
I imagined it, my heart filled with pain
Go heyran ger mirov bêje
Oh, it's amazing if someone tells you
Derd û qul azar û êşe
About the pain, the sorrow, the suffering, the ache
Zulmu zordarîyê li herder
The oppression and cruelty are everywhere
Gellek heye wek tu bêje
There is so much, as you say
Dijî zulmê me dest kir
We started to fight against the oppression
Kom û koz û civîn çêkir
We formed groups and gatherings
Ji serî ta bine welat
From one end of the country to the other
Komale û partî bi rêkir
We organized committees and parties
em gellek bi gazinin
But we are filled with sorrow
Em li hember hev mezinin
We stand against each other
Doza li hemberî dijmin berdan
Instead of fighting the enemy
Hevdu kuştin bihev ketin
We kill each other, we fall upon one another
Xebat têk çu em tev şikyan
The struggle failed, we were all broken
Hin hat girtin hinek revîyan
Some were arrested, some fled
Zarok û jin kal û pîr tev
Children, women, old and young, all
Man li ber destê dijminan
Remained in the hands of the enemy
Xortê hêja keçên ciwan
The worthy young men, the young women
Girtine li binê zindanan
Are imprisoned in dungeons
Fermane li ser serê me
The orders are upon us
Tev kirne paşe be guman
They have all become suspect
çawa kesek me nabihîze
How can no one stand up?
Xwînxwar bi namusa me dilîze
The bloodthirsty enemy violates our honor
De biqîre heval bêje
Speak up, friend, tell me
Kor bibîne ker bibihîze
May the blind see, may the deaf hear
şerm kir û stuyê xwe xwar kir
He felt shame, he lowered his head
Di ber xewda hêsrê xwe pak kir
He cleaned his rug before God
Agir bi dil û canê min xist
He set fire to my heart and soul
Min hiş û aqil wenda kir
He made me lose my mind and reason
Min go me tev erdek ra kir
I said, we have all become dust
Xwîdana xwe li ser reş kir
We have mourned upon ourselves
Kurm û qimil tev ketine
Worms and insects have entered
Serî û binî tev xera kir
From top to bottom, we are destroyed
Go herdem me çare nîne
He said, we are always helpless
Erdê rake tovê biçîne
We plow the land and sow the seeds
Tav û baran rengê gulan
The sun and rain bring the colors of flowers
zevîy xe hêşin bîne
But the wind brings us thorns
Min go jîyan têkoşîne
I said, life is a struggle
Geh têk diçi geh pêk tîne
Sometimes it fails, sometimes it succeeds
ji bo me heye armancek
But we have a goal
Xweşîya jînê pêşde bîne
To bring forth the beauty of life
Bo me tev heye armancek
We all have a goal
dikim nakim nabe yek
But whether I do it or not, we are not one
Fergan lime belav buye
Our groups are scattered
ji her serekî dengek
But from every head comes a voice
Raste bi te bawer dikim
Truly, I believe you
çend sale ku ez bang dikim
For years I have been calling out too
Dil û ceger limin helîya
My heart and liver have melted
Ji wan weznê şîne dikim
I bear their heavy burden
Ji tere bêjim guman
Let me say it clearly
Sonda min bi navê kurdistan
My oath is in the name of Kurdistan
Kes nabe bimîne kole
No one should remain a slave
rabe ev zulm û talan
This oppression and plunder will end
Ger hûn bi gel bawer dikin
If you believe in the people
Ku ji bo heqê kar dikin
That you are working for their rights
tiştê gel ji we dixwazi
Then what the people want from you
Tev bîra yekitêye bikin
Is to remember unity
Perçe bûn û piştberî kesî xelas nake
Division and betrayal will save no one
Dijmin mezine hûn biçukin
The enemy is big, you are small
Bese êdî birakûjî
Enough with the fratricide
Bimre birakûjî bese...
Let fratricide die...
Bese êdi fergan li me belav bûye...
Enough, our groups are scattered...

Writer(s): Sivan Perwer

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