Sivilo - CG u BG - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Sivilo - CG u BG

Ovo je NK i PG
This is NK and PG
Ustvari cijeli CG u BG
Create an entire CG in BG
Da juri svoje snove velike
To chase their big dreams
I grabi prilike
And seize opportunities
Nike od Samotrake
Nike of Samothrace
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške u šake
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške u šake
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Majka plače, žena šta će
Mother cries, wife wonders
Zna da dijete što je pošlo za BG je dijete što se doma ne vraće
She knows that a child who has gone to BG is a child who will not return home
Otac napaćen
Father suffers
Pored penzije moraće da traži još jedan pos'o da bi đeci platio jednosoban
Besides his pension, he will have to find another job to pay for his children's one-room
Stan na Vračaru, svi jure paru
Apartment in Vracar, everyone is chasing money
Da ti možeš da juriš strast prema svome daru
So that you can chase your passion for your gift
Velike žrtve veliki uspjeh nameće
Great sacrifices lead to great success
Ljubav ne zna za granice pa Dobrakovo lako se pređe
Love knows no boundaries, so Dobrakovo can be easily crossed
Ovo su veliki snovi iz malih gradova
These are big dreams from small towns
Đe nikako da dođe do cijenjenja tvojih radova
Where your work is never appreciated
Poraza uz to i padova
Defeats and falls come with it
Pa zadnji put kad si ust'o bez pardona si reko': Zajebi sve, odo' ja preko!
So the last time you got up, you said without mercy: Fuck it all, I'm going over!
Neko iz starog kvarta rek'o bi bjekstvo
Someone from the old neighborhood would say it's an escape
Al' cilj opravdava sredstvo
But the end justifies the means
Ja samo želim da postanem nešto
I just want to become something
Iz ničega
From nothing
Moja životna priča da te povede
May my life story guide you
Od bijede do mjesta đe ljudi ko ti vrijede.
From poverty to a place where people like you are valued.
Ovo je NK i PG
This is NK and PG
Ustvari cijeli CG u BG
Create an entire CG in BG
Da juri svoje snove velike
To chase their big dreams
I grabi prilike
And seize opportunities
Nike od Samotrake
Nike of Samothrace
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške u šake
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške u šake
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Veza Crnogorca sa ovim gradom
The connection of a Montenegrin with this city
Je ko bolje śutra sa nadom
Is like a better tomorrow with hope
Disciplina sa radom
Discipline with work
Ubijanje ponosa što dolazi sa svakim padom
Killing the pride that comes with every fall
Pa shvatiš da loši temelji se ne kriju lijepom fasadom
So you realize that bad foundations are not hidden by a beautiful facade
Dolje ste lažnim perjem kićeni
Down with you adorned with false feathers
Dolje vam pumpaju ego roditelji
Down with you, your parents pump your ego
Dolje nikad kao konobari niste viđeni
Down with you, you have never been seen as waiters
Pogodi ko su u Beogradu najbolji ugostitelji
Guess who are the best caterers in Belgrade
Ovo je za sve drugove što peru sudove
This is for all my friends who wash dishes
Za one što jure diplomu u studentskom domu
For those who chase their degree in a student dormitory
Za svaki cent u šteku dok radim u Meku
For every cent in my pocket while I work at McDonald's
Paštete u veknu, ni za jedan pos'o prekul
Sandwiches in a bun, not too good for any job
Al jednog dana biću prekul
But one day I'll be too good
Danas ne dijelimo viziju daleku
Today we do not share a distant vision
Koja kada dođe dušmani će pokušati da sasjeku
That when it comes, the enemies will try to cut it
Ne razumiju kako potok se pretvori u rijeku
They do not understand how a stream can turn into a river
Ovo je NK i PG
This is NK and PG
Ustvari cijeli CG u BG
Create an entire CG in BG
Da juri svoje snove velike
To chase their big dreams
I grabi prilike
And seize opportunities
Nike od Samotrake
Nike of Samothrace
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške u šake
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške u šake
Hear my prayers and give me luck
Usliši molitve i daj mi ške
Hear my prayers and give me luck

Writer(s): Balša Krkeljić

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