Ska-P - Adoctrinad@s - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ska-P - Adoctrinad@s

En el barrio
In the neighborhood
En el pueblo
In the town
En las calles
In the streets
En la universidad
In university
En tu casa
In your house
O en los bares
Or in the bars
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Si veneras al ladrón
If you venerate the thief
Si confías en la ley
If you trust in the law
No, no, no
No, no, no
Si conscientes la opresión
If you condone oppression
Y justificas al infame
And justify the infamous
O no, no, no, no
Or no, no, no, no
Si renuncias a pensar
If you give up on thinking
Por no querer desentonar
For not wanting to disagree
O no
Or no
Justificando al agresor
Justifying the aggressor
You too
Eres culpable
Are guilty
En el barrio
In the neighborhood
En el pueblo
In the town
En las calles
In the streets
O en la universidad
Or in university
En tu casa
In your house
En los bares
In the bars
En el curro
At work
Te van a adoctrinar
You will be indoctrinated
Lograrán normalizar
They will succeed in normalizing
La dictadura donde no sabes que estás
The dictatorship where you don't know you are
Bonita cárcel de cristal
Beautiful glass prison
A la que llaman democracia
Which they call democracy
Que no
That no
Si te parece algo normal
If you find it normal
Respirar putrefacción
To breathe putrefaction
O no
Or no
Sabes que te adoptaran
You know they will adopt you
A vivir
To live
Entre la mierda
Amongst the shit
En el barrio
In the neighborhood
En el pueblo
In the town
En las calles
In the streets
O en la universidad
Or in university
En tu casa
In your house
En los bares
In the bars
En el curro
At work
Te van a adoctrinar
You will be indoctrinated
Nunca pierdas el canal
Never lose the channel
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Nunca pierdas el control
Never lose control
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Nunca pierdas el control
Never lose control
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
La dictadura casi es perfecta
The dictatorship is almost perfect
Es invisible
It is invisible
No te das cuenta, no
You don't realize, no
Donde se ve esa la bota que aplastará
Where do you see that boot that will crush
Tu existencia
Your existence
En el barrio
In the neighborhood
En el pueblo
In the town
En las calles
In the streets
O en la universidad
Or in university
En tu casa
In your house
En los bares
In the bars
En el curro
At work
Te van a adoctrinar
You will be indoctrinated
Nunca pierdas el canal
Never lose the channel
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Nunca pierdas el control
Never lose control
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Nunca pierdas el control
Never lose control
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Que gran jugada maestra
What a great masterstroke
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Crear vidas de mierda
To create shitty lives
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Y nos hacen creér a las masas
And make the masses believe
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)
Que la culpa es nuestra
That it's our own fault
(Te van a adoctrinar)
(You will be indoctrinated)

Writer(s): Roberto Ganan Ojea, Luis Miguel Garcia Planello, Alberto Javier Amado Huete, Jose Miguel Redin Redin

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