SKABIDEAN - Loezina - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation SKABIDEAN - Loezina

Margolan makurra bailitzan, sabaian dilindan,
Like a distorted painting, dangling from the ceiling,
Nago beharturik ibiltzera gauero museoan.
I'm forced to wander through the museum every night.
Nahiz eta bihurtu alde batera edo bertzera,
Though I turn one way or another,
Ezin egin ihesi, ohartu beharra daukat preso naizela.
I can't escape, I have to realize I'm a prisoner.
Iluntasunean hasperena, pikutara guztia,
A sigh in the darkness, everything into pieces,
Ea zer dioen hiriak, har dezagun airea.
Whatever the city says, let's take the air.
Etxeko atariaren danbadaz
By the threshold of my home
Haizearen hotzaren ukabilkada,
The wind's cold slap,
Zirimiri leunaren errezela,
The drizzle's soft embrace,
Ilberri den gauaren islada...
The reflection of the new moon night...
Gizon kopetiluna, pantailari begira,
A man with a receding hairline, staring at the screen,
Txakur zuri txikiak egiten dio tira,
A small white dog pulls at him,
Marrazten du arkupean fatxadako farolak
The facade lamp draws an arc beneath him,
Lasai erretzen ari den lagun baten ingerada.
The silhouette of a friend calmly smoking.
Espaloian jarririk, izkinaren bueltan,
Sitting on the sidewalk, around the corner,
Punki gandor gorri baten marmar ulergaitza,
The incomprehensible murmur of a red-crested punk,
Putzu zikin baten gainean dago dantzan,
Dancing over a dirty puddle,
Alkohol usaina darion mozkor erotu bat.
A crazy madman with the smell of alcohol.
Ordu txikitako pentsamendu sarkorrek
Sarcastic thoughts from the wee hours
Loezinean murgiltzen naute,
Plunge me into insomnia,
Amesgaiztoen lapurrak dira
They are the thieves of nightmares
Atzarririk daudenen horiek hain zuzen.
Those who are awake, precisely.
Deabruen artean naiz aspalditik,
I've been among devils for a long time,
Eta azkenean egiten da ikasi
And finally you learn
Norbera dela bere suen iturri,
That you are the source of your own juices,
Deabrurik gabe ez dela infernurik!
That there is no hell without a devil!
Argi hori margul honek nazkatu nau jada,
This dim yellow light has tired me already,
Auzotik at paratzen naiz itsaso beltzean soa,
I stand outside the neighborhood, gazing at the black sea,
Ohartzeko hura dela benetan zabala,
To realize how vast it truly is,
Nire kezka zirta bat soilik izartegi osoan.
My worries are just a speck in the whole observatory.
Lasaiturik bueltan noa espaloi artera,
Calmly I return to the sidewalk,
Dagoeneko ez zait arrotz etxerako bidea,
The way home is no longer strange to me,
Deabruak uxatzeko heldu dira
To ward off the devils, have arrived
Karriketan sartzen diren suzko argi-izpiak!
The fiery rays of light entering the streets!
Ordu txikitako pentsamendu sarkorrek,
Sarcastic thoughts from the wee hours,
Loezinean murgiltzen naute,
Plunge me into insomnia,
Amesgaiztoen lapurrak dira
They are the thieves of nightmares
Atzarririk daudenen horiek hain zuzen.
Those who are awake, precisely.
Baina lau haizeek dezatela jakin,
But let the four winds know,
Nire kezkek jabe bakarra naute ni.
My worries have only one master, me.
Preso haiek direla dut erabaki,
I have decided that they are the prisoners,
Ni naiz haien mundua, ez alderantziz!
I am their world, not the other way around!

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