Listen up for a moment, while you still have the chance,
T setti saa koneet putomaa taivaalt./
Before my rhymes make planes fall from the sky in a trance./
Elinrakkaan hoidan lehmii, narttui ja siipikarjaa,/
In my life of pleasure, I tend to the cows, the bitches, and the birds,
Lisks lytyy kenkii, farkkui ja hikipantaa,/
I also have shoes, jeans, and headbands, for your viewing word./
Oon itserakas, tietty oma nimi kaulaa,/
I'm self-centered, of course, my own name around my neck,
Ja vittuu yleis, kuha naiste hinkit baunssaa!/
And fuck the crowd, as long as the women's buns bounce in my direction!/
M punchlainaa vaivat su hampaist paikat,/
My punchlines will knock the fillings out of your teeth,
Sit stadin al queda saattaa shanghaijaa faijas,/
Then the city's al-Qaeda might shanghai your father,/span>I'll beat you with women, for that I have a stun gun and a whip,And for you, there will be no Sean John, only a diaper,/span>You want to insult me, but all I hear is "DamDamDaDaiDa",/WHAT DID YOU SAY!? "You know One Love and shaibaa",/If you're having trouble sleeping, count sheep instead,/span>I know those casts are heavy to put on your bed,/span>You say Skandaali must be destroyed, sucker, hardly!/span>I'll carve you into raw rolls like a pound of sushi,/span>I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
M paan naistas, sille on stungun ja raippa,/
I'll beat you with women, for that I have a stun gun and a whip,
Ja sua varte ei oo ainakaa SeanJohn vaa vaippa,/
And for you, there will be no Sean John, only a diaper,/span>You want to insult me, but all I hear is "DamDamDaDaiDa",/WHAT DID YOU SAY!? "You know One Love and shaibaa",/If you're having trouble sleeping, count sheep instead,/span>I know those casts are heavy to put on your bed,/span>You say Skandaali must be destroyed, sucker, hardly!/span>I'll carve you into raw rolls like a pound of sushi,/span>I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
Haluut solvaa mua, mut kuulen"DamDamDaDaiDa",/
You want to insult me, but all I hear is "DamDamDaDaiDa",/
MIT S SANOIT!? "S tiedt One Love ja shaibaa",/
WHAT DID YOU SAY!? "You know One Love and shaibaa",/
Jos o unihiri laske lampaita vaikka,/
If you're having trouble sleeping, count sheep instead,/span>I know those casts are heavy to put on your bed,/span>You say Skandaali must be destroyed, sucker, hardly!/span>I'll carve you into raw rolls like a pound of sushi,/span>I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
M tiedn et ne kipsit on raskaita laittaa,/
I know those casts are heavy to put on your bed,/span>You say Skandaali must be destroyed, sucker, hardly!/span>I'll carve you into raw rolls like a pound of sushi,/span>I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
S puhut Skandaali on rikottava, puskii, tuskin!/
You say Skandaali must be destroyed, sucker, hardly!/span>I'll carve you into raw rolls like a pound of sushi,/span>I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
Silvon sut raakan rullii ku kilon palan sushii,/
I'll carve you into raw rolls like a pound of sushi,/span>I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
M teen baksit, s pyydt viikkorahaa mutsilt,/
I make the bucks, you beg your mom for allowance,
S oot pieni porsas m oon iso paha susi,/
You're a little pig, I'm the big, bad wolf,/span>I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,
Vsn bluntin, imen sit puhkun ja puhellan,/
I light a blunt, inhale it, exhale, and talk,
Sun puumajas puust alas ja luuttuan tukallas,/
I'll climb down from your treehouse and spank you with a broom,/span>If you want to hug, carry some flowers with you,Stay away from me, give me roses, and bow down,