Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - Papua New Guinea ["O Arise All You Sons Of This Land…"] - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and Russian translation Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - Papua New Guinea ["O Arise All You Sons Of This Land…"]

Papua New Guinea ["O Arise All You Sons Of This Land…"]
Папуа-Новая Гвинея ["О, воспряньте, сыны этой земли…"]
O arise all you sons of this land,
О, воспряньте, все сыны этой земли,
Let us sing of our joy to be free,
Давайте петь о нашей радости быть свободными,
Praising God and rejoicing to be
Славьте Бога и ликуйте,
Papua New Guinea.
Папуа-Новая Гвинея.
Shout our name from the mountains to seas
Провозгласите наше имя с гор до морей
Papua New Guinea;
Папуа-Новая Гвинея;
Let us raise our voices and proclaim
Давайте поднимем наши голоса и провозгласим
Papua New Guinea.
Папуа-Новая Гвинея.
Now give thanks to the good Lord above
Теперь возблагодарим Господа Бога,
For His kindness, His wisdom and love
За Его милость, мудрость и любовь
For this land of our fathers so free,
За эту землю наших отцов, такую свободную,
Papua New Guinea.
Папуа-Новая Гвинея.
Shout again for the whole world to hear
Воскликните снова, чтобы весь мир услышал
Papua New Guinea;
Папуа-Новая Гвинея;
We're independent and we're free,
Мы независимы и свободны,
Papua New Guinea.
Папуа-Новая Гвинея.

Writer(s): Peter Breiner

1 Slovakia [Statna Hymna Slovenskej Republiky, "Lightning Flashes Over The Tatra…"]
2 Saudi Arabia [Aash Al Maleek (Long Live Our Beloved King), "Hasten To Glory And Supremacy!…"]
3 Sweden (National) [Sång Till Norden (Song Of The North), "You Ancient, Free…"]
4 Sweden (National) [Sang Till Norden (Song of the North), "You ancient, free…"] (short)
5 Pakistan [Qaumi Tarana (National Anthem), "Blessed Be The Sacred Land…"]
6 Scotland [Flower of Scotland, "O Flower of Scotland when will we see your like again…"]
7 Senegal ["Sound, All Of You, Your Koras, Beat The Drums…"]
8 Seychelles [Koste Seselwa (Seychellois, Unite!), "Seychelles, Our Homeland…"]
9 Sierra Leone ["High We Exalt Thee, Realm Of The Free…"]
10 Singapore [Majulah Singapura (May Singapore Progress), "Let Us, The People Of Singapore…"]
11 Slovenia ["Long Live All Nations Which Long To See The Day…"]
12 Solomon Islands ["God Bless Our Solomon Islands From Shore To Shore…"]
13 Somalia ["Somalia Wake Up, Wake Up And Join Hands Together…"]
14 Spain [Himno Nacional Espanol (Spanish National Anthem), "Gloria, Gloria…" - Marcha Real]
15 Sri Lanka ["Mother Lanka, We Salute Thee!…"]
16 Sudan ["We Are The Army Of God And Of Our Land…"]
17 Suriname ["God Be With Our Surinam!…"]
18 Swaziland ["O Lord Our God, Bestower Of All Blessings On The Swazi…"]
19 Switzerland [Schweizerpsalm, Cantique Suisse, Cantico Svizzero (Swiss Psalm), "When The Morning…"]
20 South Africa ["God Bless Africa" - Die Stem Van Suid-Afrika, "Ringing Out From Our Blue Heavens…"]
21 Sao Tome And Principe [Independencia Total (Total Independence), "Warriors In The War…"]
22 San Marino
23 Samoa (Western) [The Banner Of Freedom, "Samoa, Arise And Raise Your Banner…"] (Short)
24 Palau ("Palau Is Coming Forth With Strength And Power…")
25 Palau ["Palau Is Coming Forth With Strength And Power…"] (Short)
26 Panama [Himno Istmeno (Isthmus Hymn), "It Is Necessary To Veil With A Curtain…"]
27 Papua New Guinea ["O Arise All You Sons Of This Land…"]
28 Paraguay ["For Three Centuries A Reign Oppressed The Unhappy Peoples Of America…"]
29 Peru [Marcha Nacional (National March), "For A Long Time The Peruvian…"]
30 Philippines [Marcha Naciional Filipina (Philippinian National March), "Beloved Land…"]
31 Poland [Mazurek Dabrowskiego (Dombrowski's Mazurka), "Poland has not yet succumbed…"]
32 Portugal [A Portuguesa (The Portuguese), "Heroes Of The Sea, Noble Race…"]
33 Qatar [Emiri Salam (Peace For The Amir)]
34 Romania: Wake Up, Romanian, From Your Deadly Slumber...
35 Russian Federation
36 Rwanda ["My Rwanda, Land That Gave Me Birth…"]
37 Rwanda ["My Rwanda, Land That Gave Me Birth…"] (Short)
38 Saint Kitts And Nevis ["O Land Of Beauty! Our Country Where Peace Abounds…"]
39 Saint Lucia ["Sons And Daughters Of Saint Lucia…"]
40 Saint Vincent And The Grenadines ["Saint Vincent! Land So Beautiful…"]
41 Samoa (American) ["American Samoa, My Dear Beloved Land…"]
42 Samoa (Western) [The Banner Of Freedom, "Samoa, Arise And Raise Your Banner…"]
43 Syria [Homat El Diyar (Guardians Of The Homeland, "Defenders Of The Realm, Peace On You…"]

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