Smejko a Tanculienka - Usmej Sa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Smejko a Tanculienka - Usmej Sa

Usmej Sa
Odfúknem ti z tváre mraky,
I'll blow away the clouds from your face,
na sveta kraj.
To the edge of the world.
A na tvojích smutných lícach,
And on your sad cheeks,
Zas rozkvitne máj.
May will bloom again.
Usmej sa, konečne na mňa.
Smile, finally at me.
Zahoď tvár ufňukanca.
Throw away your crying face.
je naplakaná vaňa,
The bathtub is already full of tears,
Ja ťa volám do tanca.
I'm calling you to dance.
Nie je čierno-biely vesmír a ja verím, že
The universe isn't black and white, and I believe,
Na pery tvoje malý úsmev nakreslím.
I'll draw a little smile on your lips.
Usmej sa konečne na svet,
Smile at the world at last,
Pozri, dúha neplače.
Look, the rainbow doesn't cry.
Úsmev je slniečko na päť,
A smile is sunshine with five rays,
Tak ťa vidím najradšej.
That's how I like to see you best.
Starosti budú aj boli,
Worries will come and go,
Smej sa z chuti to nebolí,
Laugh heartily, it doesn't hurt,
Úsmev je pre nás najlepší liek.
A smile is the best medicine for us.
Netúžim po zlatej rybke,
I don't long for a golden fish,
A ani po hviezdach.
Nor for the stars.
Som ako vtáča v dlani,
I'm like a bird in the palm of your hand,
Čo chce späť do hniezda.
Who wants to go back to the nest.
Nesľubuj mi hory-doly,
Don't promise me mountains and valleys,
Iba to čo v srdci máš.
Just what you have in your heart.
Čo bolelo ešte bolí,
What hurt still hurts,
Stratíš ak sa len hráš.
You'll lose if you just play.
Usmej sa, konečne na mňa.
Smile, finally at me.
Zahoď tvár ufňukanca.
Throw away your crying face.
je naplakaná vaňa,
The bathtub is already full of tears,
Ja ťa volám do tanca.
I'm calling you to dance.
Nie je čierno-biely vesmír a ja verím, že
The universe isn't black and white, and I believe,
Na pery tvoje malý úsmev nakreslím.
I'll draw a little smile on your lips.
Usmej sa konečne na svet,
Smile at the world at last,
Pozri, dúha neplače.
Look, the rainbow doesn't cry.
Úsmev je slniečko na päť,
A smile is sunshine with five rays,
Tak ťa vidím najradšej.
That's how I like to see you best.
Starosti budú aj boli,
Worries will come and go,
Smej sa z chuti to nebolí,
Laugh heartily, it doesn't hurt,
Úsmev je pre nás najlepší liek.
A smile is the best medicine for us.
Nemám v kapse zlatú rybku,
I don't have a golden fish in my pocket,
Ani meno vo hviezdach.
Nor a name among the stars.
Mám malú mušľu v dlani,
I have a small shell in my palm,
A v nej mesačný prach.
And in it, moon dust.
Nesľubujem hory-doly,
I don't promise mountains and valleys,
Iba čisté srdce mám.
I just have a pure heart.
Na vyznania nemám školy,
I haven't studied confessions,
A tak ti zaspievam:
And so I sing to you:
Usmej sa, konečne na mňa.
Smile, finally at me.
Zahoď tvár ufňukanca.
Throw away your crying face.
je naplakaná vaňa,
The bathtub is already full of tears,
Ja ťa volám do tanca.
I'm calling you to dance.
Nie je čierno-biely vesmír a ja verím, že
The universe isn't black and white, and I believe,
Na pery tvoje malý úsmev nakreslím.
I'll draw a little smile on your lips.
Usmej sa konečne na svet,
Smile at the world at last,
Pozri, dúha neplače.
Look, the rainbow doesn't cry.
Úsmev je slniečko na päť,
A smile is sunshine with five rays,
Tak ťa vidím najradšej.
That's how I like to see you best.
Starosti budú aj boli,
Worries will come and go,
Smej sa z chuti to nebolí,
Laugh heartily, it doesn't hurt,
Úsmev je pre nás najlepší liek.
A smile is the best medicine for us.
Usmej sa, konečne na mňa.
Smile, finally at me.
Zahoď tvár ufňukanca.
Throw away your crying face.
je naplakaná vaňa,
The bathtub is already full of tears,
Ja ťa volám do tanca.
I'm calling you to dance.
Nie je čierno-biely vesmír a ja verím, že
The universe isn't black and white, and I believe,
Na pery tvoje malý úsmev nakreslím.
I'll draw a little smile on your lips.
Usmej sa konečne na svet,
Smile at the world at last,
Pozri, dúha neplače.
Look, the rainbow doesn't cry.
Úsmev je slniečko na päť,
A smile is sunshine with five rays,
Tak ťa vidím najradšej.
That's how I like to see you best.
Starosti budú aj boli,
Worries will come and go,
Smej sa z chuti to nebolí,
Laugh heartily, it doesn't hurt,
Úsmev je pre nás najlepší liek.
A smile is the best medicine for us.
Usmej sa, konečne na mňa.
Smile, finally at me.
Zahoď tvár ufňukanca.
Throw away your crying face.
je naplakaná vaňa,
The bathtub is already full of tears,
Ja ťa volám do tanca.
I'm calling you to dance.
Nie je čierno-biely vesmír a ja verím, že
The universe isn't black and white, and I believe,
Na pery tvoje malý úsmev nakreslím.
I'll draw a little smile on your lips.
Usmej sa konečne na svet,
Smile at the world at last,
Pozri, dúha neplače.
Look, the rainbow doesn't cry.
Úsmev je slniečko na päť,
A smile is sunshine with five rays,
Tak ťa vidím najradšej.
That's how I like to see you best.
Starosti budú aj boli,
Worries will come and go,
Smej sa z chuti to nebolí,
Laugh heartily, it doesn't hurt,
Úsmev je pre nás najlepší liek.
A smile is the best medicine for us.

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