Smoking Souls - Vida (ParatgesPreferits) [Live] - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Smoking Souls - Vida (ParatgesPreferits) [Live]

Vida (ParatgesPreferits) [Live]
Life (ParatgesPreferits) [Live]
Som l'equilibrista que camina per damunt la corda
I am the tightrope walker who walks on the cord
Acrobàcia, salt mortal!
Acrobatics, somersault!
Invertint la trajectòria
Reversing the trajectory
Aprenem a viure sense por a sortir de la gàvia
We learn to live without fear of leaving the cage
Com l'ocell en llibertat!
Like the bird in freedom!
Invertint la gravetat
Reversing gravity
Tuuuuuuu, prens la màgia
Youuuu, take the magic
Tuuuuuuu, sols tu, inmortal
Youuuu, only you, immortal
Tuuuuuuu, tens la força
Youuuu, have the strength
Tuuuuuuu, sols tu, ets gran
Youuuu, only you, are great
Ara eres tu qui canviarà la història
Now you are the one who will change history
Eres la llum que brillarà en aquell far
You are the light that will shine in that lighthouse
Ets com el fum entre la boira
You are like smoke in the fog
Eres la veu que frena aquesta nòria
You are the voice that stops this Ferris wheel
La flama que incèndia el meu cos
The flame that burns my body
És el moment d'on neix l'eufòria, salvatge!
It is the moment from which the euphoria is born, wild!
S'ens escapen dia a dia el millors minuts de glòria
The best minutes of glory escape us day by day
Com arena entre les mans
Like sand between the hands
Invertim la trajectòria
We reverse the trajectory
Reinventem les regles velles i evitem tornar a perdre
We reinvent the old rules and avoid losing again
Perqué caiguen els gegants
Because giants fall
Invertim la gravetat
We reverse gravity
Tuuuuuuu, prens la màgia
Youuuu, take the magic
Tuuuuuuu, sols tu, inmortal
Youuuu, only you, immortal
Tuuuuuuu, tens la força
Youuuu, have the strength
Tuuuuuuu, sols tu, ets gran
Youuuu, only you, are great
Ara eres tu qui canviarà la història
Now you are the one who will change history
Eres la llum que brillarà en aquell far
You are the light that will shine in that lighthouse
Ets com el fum entre la boira
You are like smoke in the fog
Eres la veu que frena aquesta nòria
You are the voice that stops this Ferris wheel
La flama que incèndia el meu cos
The flame that burns my body
És el moment d'on neix l'eufòria, salvatge!
It is the moment from which the euphoria is born, wild!
Quan sabran que no volem l'herència
When they know that we don't want their inheritance
Quin vingan ja haurem guanyat!
When they come, we will have already won!
Ara eres tu qui canviarà la història
Now you are the one who will change history
Eres la llum que brillarà en aquell far
You are the light that will shine in that lighthouse
Ets com el fum entre la boira
You are like smoke in the fog
Eres la veu que frena aquesta nòria
You are the voice that stops this Ferris wheel
La flama que incèndia el meu cos
The flame that burns my body
És el moment d'on neix l'eufòria, salvatge!
It is the moment from which the euphoria is born, wild!

Writer(s): Smoking Souls

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