Sniper Sp - De Mentira - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sniper Sp - De Mentira

De Mentira
Recuerdo cuando me decías
I remember when you used to tell me
Que no podías vivir sin mi
That you couldn't live without me
Nos dejamos Pero al otro día
We broke up, but the next day
Con otra te vi
I saw you with someone else
Tanto que tu prometiste
You promised me so much
Pero nada me cumpliste
But you didn't keep any of your promises
Sin ni siquiera intentarlo
You didn't even try,
Te rendistes
You just gave up
Amores de mentira palabras tan vacías
Lying love, empty words
Usted nunca sintió na de lo que me decía
You never felt anything you said to me
Tanto sentimiento prestao amor alquilao
So much borrowed emotion, love for rent,
Luego para otro lao te vas
And then you just moved on
Yo sabía que tu amor era falso
I knew your love was fake
Y serias solo un recuerdo
And you'd just become a memory
Como caminar en vidrios descalzo
Like walking barefoot on glass,
Y en eso no estoy de acuerdo
And I don't agree with that
Como quiera en la bellaquera
Whatever, in this mess
Yo pienso en ti tu tan embustera
I think of you, you're such a liar
Y si supieras que yo también menti
And if you knew that I lied too
No me controlas no te controlo
You don't control me, I don't control you
Tu siempre sola yo nunca solo
You're always alone, I'm never alone
Somos opuestos como los polos
We're opposites, like magnets
No me controlas no te controlo
You don't control me, I don't control you
Tu siempre sola yo nunca solo
You're always alone, I'm never alone
Aveces te extraño pero no lloro
Sometimes I miss you, but I don't cry
Amores de mentira palabras tan vacías
Lying love, empty words
Usted nunca sintió na de lo que me decía
You never felt anything you said to me
Tanto sentimiento prestao amor alquilao
So much borrowed emotion, love for rent,
Luego para otro lao te vas
And then you just moved on
Tu boca llena de palabras vacías
Your mouth is full of empty promises
Tu me fallaste pero la culpa es mía
You failed me, but it's my fault
El problema no es que tu me mentiras
The problem isn't that you lied to me
El problema es que yo te creia
The problem is that I believed you
No me interesa lo que pase contigo
I don't care what happens to you
No me llames no me me busques
Don't call me, don't look for me
Yo no soy tu amigo
I'm not your friend
Tu subiendo fotos para ver lo que yo digo
You're posting pictures to see what I'll say
Yo ni las veos porque ya no te sigo
I don't even look at them because I don't follow you anymore
Por mujeres como existen
Because of women like you,
Hombres como yo ya no
There are no men like me anymore
Creo en ninguna por una que me fallo
I don't believe any of them, because one of them broke my heart
No te niego que al principio
I won't deny that in the beginning,
Esa mierda me dolio
That shit hurt me
Pero un clavo saca otro y otra
But one nail takes out another, and another
Vino y te saco
Came along and took you out
No me buscas no te busco
I don't look for you, you don't look for me
No preguntas no pregunto
Don't ask, I don't ask
No quiero cartas en el asunto
I don't want to hear about it
Si la verdad es que nos va mejor
Because the truth is, we're both better off
Desde que no estamos juntos
Since we're not together
Amores de mentira palabras tan vacías
Lying love, empty words
Usted nunca sintió na de lo que me decía
You never felt anything you said to me
Tanto sentimiento prestao amor alquilao
So much borrowed emotion, love for rent,
Luego para otro lao te vas
And then you just moved on
Amores de mentira palabras tan vacías
Lying love, empty words
Usted nunca sintió na de lo que me decía
You never felt anything you said to me
Tanto sentimiento prestao amor alquilao
So much borrowed emotion, love for rent,
Luego para otro lao te vas
And then you just moved on

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