Sopa De Cabra - Instants Del Temps - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sopa De Cabra - Instants Del Temps

Instants Del Temps
Moments in Time
Cremen quatre selves al teu cor
Burn four forests in your heart
Corre mare terra, lluny del foc
Run mother earth, far from the fire
Ja no hi ha misteris sota el sol
There are no more mysteries under the sun
Tremola mare mar i ofega-ho tot
Tremble mother sea and drown everything
Un envàs sense retorn
A non-returnable container
Així serem tu i jo
That's how you and I will be
Passatgers a l′últim vol
Passengers on the last flight
Haurem d'anar
We will have to go
Sempre endavant
Always forward
Sempre inventant respostes
Always inventing answers
Sempre esperant en va
Always waiting in vain
No som diferents
We are not different
Només instants del temps
Just moments in time
Qui anirà a buscar-te si te′n vas
Who will come looking for you if you go
Qui t'esperarà amb el cor trencat
Who will wait for you with a broken heart
Qui vindrà al matí a dur-te el sol
Who will come in the morning to bring you the sun
Qui anirà a donar-li corda al món
Who will come to wind up the world
Si tot fos una il·lusió
If everything were an illusion
Potser em faria por
Maybe I would be afraid
Si ara som reals tu i jo
If you and I are real now
Haurem d'anar
We will have to go
Sempre endavant
Always forward
Sempre buscant respostes
Always searching for answers
Sempre esperant en va
Always waiting in vain
No som diferents
We are not different
Només instants del temps
Just moments in time
Sempre endavant
Always forward
Sempre sembrant preguntes
Always sowing questions
Sempre fugint, de què?
Always fleeing, from what?
Digue′m on anem
Tell me where are we going
Per què seguim corrent?
Why do we keep running?
Sempre endavant
Always forward
Sempre buscant respostes
Always searching for answers
Sempre esperant en va
Always waiting in vain
No som diferents
We are not different
Només instants del temps
Just moments in time

Writer(s): Josep Maria Thio Fernandez De Henestrosa, Gerard Quintana Rodeja

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