Sopa De Cabra - Passant de llarg - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sopa De Cabra - Passant de llarg

Passant de llarg
Passing By
Corrent, passant de llarg,
Rushing by, passing by,
Mal amagat desig,
Ill-concealed desire,
Temuda realitat.
Dreaded reality.
Sembles fort,
You seem strong,
Però ets tou per dins com tots.
But you're soft inside like everyone else.
Vols ser dur
You want to be tough,
I ja dir el que sents no pots.
And you can't say what you feel.
Absurdes obsessions,
Absurd obsessions,
Distreuen el teu cos,
Distract your body,
Sols tu i la temptació
Just you and temptation,
Ni remeis ni raons.
No remedies or reasons.
Dius que és tot mentida, no et crec.
You say it's all a lie, I don't believe you.
Dius que així és la vida, no et crec.
You say that's how life is, I don't believe you.
Dius que tu ja ets lliure, no et crec.
You say you're already free, I don't believe you.
No tot el que llueix és or.
Not everything that glitters is gold.
Talla els fils que ara t′enreden.
Cut the threads that now entangle you.
Ben endins, saps que t'ofeguen.
Deep down, you know they're suffocating you.
Si ara vius, lluita i rebel·la′t.
If you're living now, fight and rebel.
Ets l'amic que ha d'anar sempre amb tu.
You're the friend who must always be with you.
Lligat de mans i peus,
Bound hand and foot,
Segueixes vacil·lant.
You keep hesitating.
Què pensaran de tu,
What will they think of you,
No és pas tan important.
It's not that important.
Vius per allò
You live for
Que sembla però no és.
What seems but is not.
Tu sabràs
You'll know
Si en tens prou o vols més.
If you have enough or want more.
Sembles fort,
You seem strong,
Però ets tou per dins com tots.
But you're soft inside like everyone else.
Vols ser dur
You want to be tough,
I ja dir el que sents no pots.
And you can't say what you feel.
La vida passa al teu costat,
Life is passing you by,
De llarg.
Passing by.
Segueixes actuant,
You keep acting,
Dius que no pots canviar.
You say you can't change.
Disfresses, màscares,
Disguises, masks,
Per continuar aguantant.
To keep enduring.
Dius que és tot mentida, no et crec.
You say it's all a lie, I don't believe you.
Dius que això és la vida, no et crec.
You say this is life, I don't believe you.
Dius que tu ja ets lliure, no et crec.
You say you're already free, I don't believe you.
No tot el que llueix és bo.
Not everything that glitters is good.
Talla els fils que ara t′enreden.
Cut the threads that now entangle you.
Ben endins, saps que t′ofeguen.
Deep down, you know they're suffocating you.
Si ara vius, lluita i rebel·la't.
If you're living now, fight and rebel.
Ets l′amic que encara esperes.
You're the friend you're still waiting for.

Writer(s): josep thio, gerard quintana

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