Speak - Maica - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Speak - Maica

Ooooo, maică
Mother, oh
Ooooo, maică
Mother, oh
Ooooo, maică, naște-mă din nou, in lumea in care zambetul e un motor
Mother, oh, give me rebirth, to a world where smiles are the driving force
Soarele cheama spre iubire maica, si lacrima de fericire maica
The sun calls for love, mother, and tears of joy, mother
Naste-ma din nou, in lumea care zambetul e pe primul loc
Give me rebirth, to a world where smiles come first
In care soarele, caldura si nu foc, ploaia inseamna viata si nu lacrimi
Where the sun means warmth, not fire, rain means life, not tears
Ooooo, maica
Mother, oh
Sa ma ierti mama des ca te sun atat de
Forgive me, dear, for not calling you as often as I should
Rar, am plecat de langa tine departe dar
I ventured far from your side, but
In zilelea astea ai nevoie de banii pentru a
These days, one needs money to
Iubi, pentru a te putea casatori, pentru a muri
Love, to marry, even to die
M-ai invatat sa iert sa fiu mai bun,
You taught me to forgive, to be kind
Acum lumea e mai buna cand mori si de Craciun
Now, the world is a better place when people die, and at Christmas
Nici femeia nu mai e ce a fost acum
Women are not what they used to be
Trebuie imparti cu alti sa poata avea un drum, mama
One must share with others so that they have a way out, dear
Te rog hai mai naste-ma odata, in lumea in care l-ai cunoscut pe tata,
Please, give me rebirth again, to the world where you met father
In lumea in care oamenii aveau speranta si zambeau, visau
To the world where people had hope and smiled, and dreamed
Ooooo, maică, naște-mă din nou, in lumea in care zambetul e un motor
Mother, oh, give me rebirth, to a world where smiles are the driving force
Soarele cheama spre iubire maica, si lacrima de fericire maica
The sun calls for love, mother, and tears of joy, mother
Naste-ma din nou, in lumea care zambetul e pe primul loc
Give me rebirth, to a world where smiles come first
In care soarele, caldura si nu foc, ploaia inseamna viata si nu lacrimi
Where the sun means warmth, not fire, rain means life, not tears
Ooooo, maica
Mother, oh
Sa ma ierti mama des ca trec pe acasa rar
Forgive me, mother, for not visiting you often
La fel de singur sunt aici spiritual,
I am equally lonely here, spiritually
Fratii nu mai sunt s-au pierdut pe drum
Brothers are lost, gone astray
In goana dupa bani, dupa succese, iluzii si mult fum
In the pursuit of money, success, illusions, and smoke
Ti-ai dorit sa ajung departe,
You wanted me to go far
M-ai lasat sa fac ce simt chiar daca o sa cad in pacat
You let me do as I wished, even if I sinned
Am ajuns departe asa cum ti-am promis
I have come far, as I promised you
Cu doua boxe, un microfon niste foi si un pix mama
With two speakers, a microphone, some paper, and a pen, mother
Te rog hai mai naste-ma odata, in lumea in care l-ai cunoscut pe tata
Please, give me rebirth again, to the world where you met father
In lumea in care oamenii aveau speranta si zambeau, visau
To the world where people had hope and smiled, and dreamed
Ooooo, maică, naște-mă din nou, in lumea in care zambetul e un motor
Mother, oh, give me rebirth, to a world where smiles are the driving force
Soarele cheama spre iubire maica, si lacrima de fericire maica
The sun calls for love, mother, and tears of joy, mother
Naste-ma din nou, in lumea care zambetul e pe primul loc
Give me rebirth, to a world where smiles come first
In care soarele, caldura si nu foc, ploaia inseamna viata si nu lacrimi
Where the sun means warmth, not fire, rain means life, not tears
Ooooo, maica
Mother, oh
Ooooo, maica naste-ma din nou, in lumea in care zambetul e un motor
Mother, oh, give me rebirth, to a world where smiles are the driving force
Soarele cheama spre iubire maica, si lacrima de fericire maica
The sun calls for love, mother, and tears of joy, mother
Naste-ma din nou, in lumea care zambetul e pe primul loc
Give me rebirth, to a world where smiles come first
In care soarele, caldura si nu foc, ploaia inseamna viata si nu lacrimi
Where the sun means warmth, not fire, rain means life, not tears
Ooooo, maica
Mother, oh

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