Subestimado entre comillas por supuestos reyes que no tienen corona y solo hacen bulla por su puta fiebre
Underrated in quotes by supposed kings who don't have a crown and only make a fuss over their f***** fever
Estupidaa falta de moral produccion barata que al final suena fatal
Stupid lack of morale, cheap production that ends up sounding awful
Estan atacando al que menos deben y ya lo sabran porque me impresiona tanta fe que se aplica para poder creer la pelicula de aquel van a borrarme shit que mierdas se creen si cuando mas me disparan sale otra bomba y bom me pongo de pie
They're attacking the one they owe the least to and they'll know it because I'm impressed by all the faith that's used to believe the film of that "they're going to erase me" piece of s*** what the f*** do they think if when they shoot me the most another bomb comes out and boom I stand up
No recordaba muy bien de cuando vaya ha sacar un diploma se si deba tambien tengo claro que no tengo pena tengo que luchar y vencer
I didn't remember very well when I was going to get a diploma I also know that I'm not ashamed I have to fight and win
Testigos tengo y se que son mis canciones en los cd's por eso no pasa nada si un dia me quedo pues me reinventare
I have witnesses and I know they are my songs on the CDs so nothing happens if one day I stay I'll reinvent myself
Levante mi nivel negro porque fue mejor así
I raised my level black because it was better that way
Reestructure mi trabajo y me canse del bajo perfil
I restructured my work and I got tired of the low profile
Yo si quiero vivir de esto y tengo temperamento para seguir. Porque no soy como el resto y si me quedo saco un hit
I do want to live off of this and I have the mindset to continue
Seré muy sincero no se hacer más que solo rapearles
I'll be very sincere I don't know how to do anything but rap to you
Encaminarme en un estudio y tener sexo con mis frases solo así logré y mire que la gente me escuchase para que después volase por el barrio
To head into a studio and have s** with my sentences that's the only way I managed and look how people listened to me so that later I could fly around the neighborhood
A donde van, con tanta mentira donde quieren llegar
Where are they going, with so many lies where do they want to go
Si son sus fantasías que nos hacen equivocar
If it's their fantasies that make us doubt
No hay muchos caminos pero van a fracasar
There aren't many paths but they're going to fail
De frente tiemblan del miedo
Up front they tremble in fear
A donde van, con tanta mentira donde quieren llegar
Where are they going, with so many lies where do they want to go
Si son sus fantasías que nos hacen equivocar
If it's their fantasies that make us doubt
No hay muchos caminos pero van a fracasar
There aren't many paths but they're going to fail
De frente tiemblan de miedo
Up front they tremble in fear
Errores varios hay pero chili
There are various errors but chili
Eso es normal en mi y tengo que pulir el fhiling
That's normal for me and I have to polish the fhiling
No se como lo consiguen
I don't know how they do it
Generar tanta molestia
Generate so much annoyance
Si escribe mal hasta lo que dice
If they write poorly even what they say
Dios nos bendice me dijo un día mi madre la misma a la que llaman puta porque solo hago arte
God bless us my mother once told me the same one they call a wh*** because I only make art
No estoy de acuerdo y hago un punto aparte si son mis enemigos que la muerte los destape
I don't agree and I make a separate point if they are my enemies may death uncover them
No confío en nadie la moneda tiene dos caras y si tienen alguna duda miren que no son iguales
I don't trust anyone the coin has two sides and if they have any doubts look that they're not the same
De nada vale que te sonrían como si nada si a medida que más crece llueven más los desleales
It's not worth it that they smile at you as if it were nothing if the more that it grows the more the disloyal rain down
A donde van, con tanta mentira donde quieren llegar
Where are they going, with so many lies where do they want to go
Si son sus fantasías que nos hacen equivocar
If it's their fantasies that make us doubt
No hay muchos caminos pero van a fracasar
There aren't many paths but they're going to fail
De frente tiemblan de miedo
Up front they tremble in fear
A donde van, con tanta mentira donde quieren llegar
Where are they going, with so many lies where do they want to go