Stay Homas - HO TORNARIA A FER - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Stay Homas - HO TORNARIA A FER

I'd Do It Again
Tornaria a omplir de vibes el cor
I'd fill my heart with vibes again
Em tornaria a posar en una gàbia d'or
I'd put myself back in a golden cage
Que patint petant per tu i per mi
That hurts and pops for you and for me
Aquesta vida ens ha tocat així
This life has touched us like this
I que si es posa a ploure em mullaré
And if it starts to rain, I'll get wet
Que tornaria a equivo equivocar-me
I'd make the same mistake again
I know
Que si sento la pressió
If I feel the pressure
Posaré una biga
I'll put a beam
Les roses són boniques però tenen espines
Roses are beautiful, but they have thorns
I tornaria per aquí
And I'd come back here
Tornaria a passar
I'd go through it again
Tornaria per fi
I'd come back finally
Tornaria demà
I'd come back tomorrow
Tornaria a entrebancar-me
I'd stumble again
No tinguis por d'equivocar-te
Don't be afraid to make mistakes
Que les cicatrius només et marquen
Because scars only mark you
Tornaria a l'inici per perdre'ns de nit
I'd go back to the beginning to lose ourselves at night
I tornaria a la terrassa per cantar-te un hit
And I'd go back to the terrace to sing you a hit
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
(Ho tornaria a fer)
(I'd do it again)
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Per molt que em faci mal
No matter how much it hurts me
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
(Ho tornaria a fer)
(I'd do it again)
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
Viure la vibe
Living the vibe
Pujar-me el hype
Pumping up my hype
Recordo començar des d'allà baix
I remember starting from the bottom
Tothom em diu "què et passa, Rai?"
Everyone says to me "What's wrong with you, Rai?"
És que la vida em va molt millor que mai
It's just that life is going much better for me than ever
Si pogués canviar les coses que m'han portat aquí
If I could change the things that have brought me here
Triaria tornar a patir
I would choose to suffer again
Tornar a morir
To die again
Per cantar tu i jo
To sing with you
Fins que s'acabi la nit
Until the night is over
Tornaria a perdre-ho tot
I'd lose it all again
Per poder acabar aquí
To be able to end up here
Què més vols de mi?
What else do you want from me?
Si ja no em queda res
If I have nothing left
M'he quedat buit esperant el puto 2023
I've emptied myself waiting for the damn 2023
Tres tiros a l'ego lluitant amb l'apego
Three shots to the ego fighting with attachment
A la indústria un mechero
A lighter in the industry
De la meva presó el màxim carcelero
The maximum jailer of my prison
I m'és igual on anem
And I don't care where we go
Si estem els tres
If we're all three
Tot estarà
Everything will be fine
I no tingueu cap dubte de que
And have no doubt that
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Per molt que em faci mal
No matter how much it hurts me
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
I què bonic seria
And how beautiful it would be
Si poguéssim tirar enrere el temps
If we could rewind time
Rebobinar tres anys en un moment
Rewind three years in a moment
I avisar aquell nen de tot el que vindria
And warn that kid about everything that was coming
Estaràs a tot arreu
You'll be everywhere
Però seràs invisible
But you'll be invisible
Basculant amb mil moods a la vegada
Teetering with a thousand moods at once
Amb la ratllada
With the scratch
De borrar-se el Twitter
Of deleting Twitter
I pirar de Barna
And going crazy in Barcelona
I l'alegria de trobar junts aquell estribillo increïble
And the joy of finding that incredible chorus together
Vam fitxar per Sony
We signed with Sony
Vam pirar de Sony
We went crazy with Sony
Joder, 30.000 persones i un timó
Damn, 30,000 people and a helm
Jo que em pensava que la música era al cor
I thought music was in the heart
I no amb royalties
And not with royalties
I amb contractes
And with contracts
I en oh no!
And in oh no!
Hi ha hagut mil dies de merda
There have been a thousand shitty days
I que no ha sortit tot
And I know it hasn't all gone well
Però si poguéssim tornar enrere
But if we could go back
I know what
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Per molt que em faci mal
No matter how much it hurts me
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Per molt que em faci mal
No matter how much it hurts me
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Per molt que em faci mal
No matter how much it hurts me
Ho tornaria a fer
I'd do it again
Exactament igual
Exactly the same
Exactament igual
Exactly the same

Writer(s): Guillem Boltó, Klaus Stroink, Rai Benet

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