Ștefan Bănică - Ce e dragostea? (original version) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ștefan Bănică - Ce e dragostea? (original version)

Ce e dragostea? (original version)
What is love? (original version)
Nu-i nimic, am inteles,
It's nothing, I understand,
S-a sfarsit si poate ca asa e mai bine,
It's over and maybe it's better this way,
In orice caz, fa cum crezi si nu te gandi la mine,
Do whatever you think is right and don't think about me,
Nu nu nu, nu nu nu nu, nu-i nimic,
No no no no, no no no no, it's nothing,
Am gresit.
I was wrong.
Din ziua in care te-am vazut,
From the day I saw you,
Am stiut de la inceput ca esti jumatatea mea,
I knew from the start that you were my other half,
Ca a fost scris sa fie asa.
It was written to be that way.
Doamne, spune-mi ce-am gresit,
My God, tell me what I did wrong,
Ce n-a mers, ce-a lipsit intre noi,
What went wrong, what was missing between us,
Abia acum am inteles ce e dragostea
I just now understood what love is
Cand ai plecat din viata mea,
When you left my life,
Ce e dragostea,
What love is,
Cand ai plecat din viata mea.
When you left my life.
Eu te-am iubit cat pot eu,
I loved you as much as I could,
Dar tu, 'ce esti tu de vina c-am gresit?
But you, what's wrong with you that I made a mistake?
Nu, nu, nu spun ca e pacat,
No, no, I'm not saying it's a sin,
Nici nu m-am suparat,
And I'm not mad,
Si nici nu plang sa stii,
And I'm not crying, you know,
Simt doar un gol asa,
I just feel an emptiness like,
Parca s-a rupt ceva.
Something broke.
In ochii tai descopeream visele ce le traiam,
In your eyes I discovered the dreams we lived,
Dar platesc clipa cu tine cu tot sufletul din mine.
But I pay for every moment with you with all my soul.
Doamne, spune-mi ce-am gresit,
My God, tell me what I did wrong,
Ce n-a mers, ce-a lipsit intre noi,
What went wrong, what was missing between us,
Abia acum am inteles ce e dragostea
I just now understood what love is
Cand ai plecat din viata mea,
When you left my life,
Ce e dragostea,
What love is,
Cand ai plecat din viata mea.
When you left my life.
E greu sa vezi cum tot ce ai iubit a ars,
It's hard to see how everything you loved burned down,
Si in loc, in suflet s-a ivit un gol,
And instead, a void has appeared in your soul,
Ce gol imens!
How vast this void!
Doamne, spune-mi ce-am gresit,
My God, tell me what I did wrong,
Ce n-a mers, ce-a lipsit intre noi,
What went wrong, what was missing between us,
Abia acum am inteles ce e dragostea
I just now understood what love is
Cand ai plecat din viata mea,
When you left my life,
Ce e dragostea,
What love is,
Cand ai plecat din viata mea,
When you left my life,
Ce e dragostea,
What love is,
Cand ai plecat din viata mea.
When you left my life.
Uita-te in oglinda,
Look in the mirror,
Poti sa plangi tu? Nu,
Can you cry? No,
Nu merita nimeni sa fii trista tu
No one deserves you to be so sad

Writer(s): Stefan Banica Jr., Marius Ioan Moga, Marius Marian Ivancea

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