Steve Kali - Narziss - translation of the lyrics into English

Narziss - Steve Kalitranslation in English

Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde
Rappers become
Rapper wärde Schiin-Heilig um ä fuckin' 1000er z'verdiene
Rappers become hypocrites for a fuckin' thousand to earn
Ä König, regiert ersch denn, we d'Buure oh marschiere
A king, who only rules when the peasants march
Di gueti Industrie - pusht di song, we's gnue gitt, wone liebe
The good industry - pushes the song, when there's enough, we love
Doch ä Künschtler isch für öich nurno ä truurigi Maschine - (u drum säg mer)
But an artist is for you only a sad machine - (and so I say)
Hesch du scho mau a Säubschtmord dänkt? - (Häh?)
Have you ever thought about suicide? - (Huh?)
Doch när aagfange, heftig drüber z'lache? - (Hehe)
But then started laughing hard about it? - (Hehe)
Nur wöu bemerkt hesch: We du nid so säubscht-verliebt wärsch
Just because you realized: If you weren't so self-absorbed
Wärsch du sicher no de erscht, wo's würdi mache
You'd surely be the first to do it
Doch Scheissegau - gib däne dumme Spaste nur äs Lied, wo se catched
But shit - just give those dumb fucks a song they catch
U när weisch, wi di ganzi Masse funktioniert - ds gitt Cash
And once you know how the whole mass works - it gives cash
När vergiss di, dass di aui dörfe liebe
Then you forget that everyone is allowed to love you
Während du di säuber hassisch, o we's gar nid sött passiere
While you hate yourself, even if it shouldn't happen
Aber voilà, Broh - Ds isch dis Guantanamo
But voilà, girl - It's your Guantanamo
Madafackin' Paranoia, bis du mau chli Para housch
Madafackin' paranoia, until you get a little bit of para
Doch fahts afah fliesse, isch z'Meischte när okee
But once it starts flowing, most of it is just okay
Und du fahsch di afah liebe, us Teil vo däm System - Narziss
And you just start loving yourself, as part of this system - Narcissus
I haute dir de Spiugu vor dis Gsicht - (vor dis Gsicht)
I hold the mirror in front of your face - (in front of your face)
Du seisch, dass' di chasch liebe, so wi'd bisch (liebe, so wi'd bisch)
You say that you can love yourself, the way you are (love yourself, the way you are)
Natürlech bisch ja niemer, ohni Hits
Of course you're nobody without hits
Nei, du bisch, so wi'd bisch - du bisch - (ähh) - Narziss
No, you are, the way you are - you are - (uhh) - Narcissus
I haute dir de Spiugu vor dis Gsicht - (vor dis Gsicht)
I hold the mirror in front of your face - (in front of your face)
Du seisch, dass' di chasch liebe, so wi'd bisch (liebe, so wi'd bisch)
You say that you can love yourself, the way you are (love yourself, the way you are)
Natürlech bisch ja niemer, ohni Hits
Of course you're nobody without hits
Nei, du bisch, so wi'd bisch - du bisch Mainstream
No, you are, the way you are - you are Mainstream
Denn es het niemer, was du hesch - Au di Lieder machsch perfekt
Because nobody has what you have - You even make your songs perfect
Iz hesch Groupies, wo di weih, aber me schiisst uf au Sex
Now you have groupies who worship you, but we shoot on all that sex
Denn Säubschtbefriedigung - isch was du lieber machsch im Bett
Because masturbation - is what you prefer to do in bed
Säg, was macht ä Säubschtverliebte imne Spiugukabinett? - (Thehe)
Say, what does a narcissist do in a hall of mirrors? - (Hehe)
Iz bisch i dr fuckin' Booth u machsch nur witer so
Now you're in the fuckin' booth and just keep going like this
Witer so - Scho baud gisch aues uf, um da chli witer z'cho
Keep going like this - Soon you'll give up everything to get a little further
Doch langsam blibsch du stah - Denn ds Ganze isch ä Farce
But slowly you come to a standstill - Because the whole thing is a farce
Du bisch z'auerbeschte Bispiu fürne Hamschter i sim Rad
You're the prime example of a hamster in its wheel
Tuesch dir das scho immer ah - Wirsch dir das o immer aatueh
You've been doing this to yourself forever - You'll always do this to yourself
Anstatt zu dir z'luege - Hesch di da nur wieder aagluegt
Instead of looking at yourself - You just looked at yourself again
Mach's guet - Am Schluss isch's dini Kunscht, wo di beändet
Goodbye - In the end, it's your art that will end you
Denn d'Sunne wird nur schiine - aber du wirsch immer blände
Because the sun will only shine - but you will always be blinded
Auso figg di doch - (Tz) - oder säg mer, dasses nid so wosch
So fuck you - (Tz) - or tell me you don't want it that way
Wouh eher z'erschte, Broh, nachdäm du wieder ä Hit hesch dropped
Probably sooner, girl, after you've dropped another hit
Jaja, da geiht doch no chli meh
Yeah, yeah, there's a little more to it
Dini Liebi zu dir säuber, isch ä Teil vo däm System - Bitch!
Your love for yourself, is a part of this system - Bitch!
I haute dir de Spiugu vor dis Gsicht - (vor dis Gsicht)
I hold the mirror in front of your face - (in front of your face)
Du seisch, dass' di chasch liebe, so wi'd bisch (liebe, so wi'd bisch)
You say that you can love yourself, the way you are (love yourself, the way you are)
Natürlech bisch ja niemer, ohni Hits
Of course you're nobody without hits
Nei, du bisch, so wi'd bisch - du bisch - (ähh) - Narziss
No, you are, the way you are - you are - (uhh) - Narcissus
I haute dir de Spiugu vor dis Gsicht - (vor dis Gsicht)
I hold the mirror in front of your face - (in front of your face)
Du seisch, dass' di chasch liebe, so wi'd bisch (liebe, so wi'd bisch)
You say that you can love yourself, the way you are (love yourself, the way you are)
Natürlech bisch ja niemer, ohni Hits
Of course you're nobody without hits
Nei, du bisch, so wi'd bisch - du bisch Mainstream
No, you are, the way you are - you are Mainstream
I haute dir de Spiugu vor dis Gsicht - (vor dis Gsicht)
I hold the mirror in front of your face - (in front of your face)
Du seisch, dass' di chasch liebe, so wi'd bisch (liebe, so wi'd bisch)
You say that you can love yourself, the way you are (love yourself, the way you are)
Natürlech bisch ja niemer, ohni Hits
Of course you're nobody without hits
Nei, du bisch, so wi'd bisch - du bisch - Scheisse
No, you are, the way you are - you are - Shit

Writer(s): Stefan Brülhart

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