Struka feat. Mixa - Opet se obrce - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Struka feat. Mixa - Opet se obrce

Opet se obrce
It's Spinning Again
Stavljate uloge prevelike na uboge sledbenike
You're putting too much pressure on poor followers
Ja svoju lovu trošim na duboke bele tike
I spend my money on deep white lines
U striptiz klubu bacam američke precednike
I throw American presidents in the strip club
Na crnačke,latino, američke i bele pičke
On black, Latino, American and white chicks
Ulice vrele su pa đonovi stradaju
The streets are hot, so the soles are suffering
Danas klonovi vladaju zato donovi padaju
Today, clones rule, that's why the soles are falling
Srce kameno krijem iza svilene šulje
I hide my stone heart behind a silk shirt
Kuje mažu ulje na bulje dok pljujem dragulje
Bitches oil their asses while I spit diamonds
Pravim pare, sve po starom, levi dlan i dalje svrbi
Making money, everything is the same, my left palm still itches
Još ne kontam da l' ste beli crnci ili crni srbi
I still don't understand whether you're white blacks or black Serbs
Crne misli kuje crni hoodie, brojevi ne lažu
Black thoughts forged by a black hoodie, the numbers don't lie
Al' kad bolje razmislim, brate ništa i ne kažu
But when I think about it, brother, they don't say anything
Drolje glume luksuz, a jedu kitu kao kus-kus
Sluts play luxury, but eat dick like couscous
Za dopunu za bus-plus, ej mladi Pistolero
For a bus pass top-up, hey young Pistolero
To je deuce deuce, za mene trebaće ti veliki kalibar
That's deuce deuce, you'll need a large caliber for me
Bang, bang
Bang, bang
Brate nisam valjda do ovde došao
Brother, I didn't come this far
Milion i jedno sranje prošao
I went through a million and one shit
Brate da bi vam dopustio da sjebete igru
To let you fuck up the game
Mnogo sam brz, ne mogu da me stignu
I'm too fast, they can't catch me
Opet se obrće, opet se obrće
It's spinning again, it's spinning again
Opet se obrće, k'o nekad
It's spinning again, like it used to
Opet se obrće, opet se obrće
It's spinning again, it's spinning again
Opet se obrće, gori ceo grad
It's spinning again, the whole city's on fire
U ovoj školi zvanoj život
In this school called life
Da sam učio manje ili kupio zvanje
If I had studied less or bought a title
Ne bi' upio znanje, ne bi' ubio sranje
I wouldn't have absorbed the knowledge, I wouldn't have killed the bullshit
Sad ću da ga ubijem
Now I'm going to kill it
Vadim hekler iz Black & Decker kutije za burgije
I'm taking a Heckler out of a Black & Decker drill box
Pomoli se za duše ovih repera
Pray for the souls of these rappers
Za majk je stao veteran i spreman sam da preteram
A veteran stood up for the mic and I'm ready to overdo it
Vi pozeri na speed-u, vaši proseri na feed-u
You posers on speed, your bullshit on the feed
Mene ne dotiču
They don't affect me
Znam da moji posteri na zidu krasili su vaše sobe
I know my posters on the wall decorated your rooms
Struka pljuje čisti igru
Struka spits the pure game
Svaki flow mi je zarazan
Every flow of mine is contagious
Jer koriste istu igru
Because they use the same game
Vrlo lako mogu da dovedem vas u stadijum
I can easily bring you to a state of
Jebene samomržnje
Fucking self-hatred
Kad pojebem vas u kranijum
When I fuck you in the cranium
Rek'o sam ti tiše da ne probudite zver
I told you quietly not to wake up the beast
A sad bežiš kao pička kada pojuri te ker
And now you're running like a pussy when a dog chases you
Viču Siggy se vratio, to nisi shvatio
They shout Siggy is back, you didn't get it
Jer nisi pratio, sad plati što nisi platio
Because you didn't follow, now pay what you didn't pay
Brate nisam valjda do ovde došao
Brother, I didn't come this far
Milion i jedno sranje prošao
I went through a million and one shit
Da bi' vam dopustio da sjebete igru
To let you fuck up the game
Mnogo sam brz, ne mogu da me stignu
I'm too fast, they can't catch me
Opet se obrće, opet se obrće
It's spinning again, it's spinning again
Opet se obrće k'o nekad
It's spinning again, like it used to
Opet se obrće, opet se obrće
It's spinning again, it's spinning again
Opet se obrće, gori ceo grad
It's spinning again, the whole city's on fire
U kući stara škola k'o Sega Genesis
Old school in the house like Sega Genesis
Ti bi sa velikim psima da piješ da piješ Hennessey
You want to drink, drink Hennessy with the big dogs
A štene si
And you're a puppy
Taj jebeni Beograd, mesto pravo, dobra partija
That fucking Belgrade, the right place, a good party
Ti kažu ti si kurac, nemo propheta im partija
They tell you you're a dick, don't be their prophet's party
Na matri ja pržim, brži sam od Maseratija
I'm frying on matrix, I'm faster than Maserati
Sa flašama Bakardija, ja i moja bratija
With Bacardi bottles, me and my brothers
Iz kabrija mi mašu pičke, hoće malo kardija
Chicks wave at me from the convertible, they want a little cardio
Al' s'vati, ja jurim pare, nemam vremena za rave
But understand, I'm chasing money, I don't have time for rave
Ne, nema vremena, rime sa vrha temena
No, there's no time, rhymes from the top of my head
I svaka teži tonu poput Sizifovog bremena
And each one weighs a ton like Sisyphus' burden
Sijam k'o da siš'o sam sa filmskog platna
I shine like I came down from the movie screen
Nosim stvari s krokodilima iz Nilskog blata
I wear crocodile stuff from the Nile mud
Siggy Picasso, sivilo Beograda sam naslik'o u hiljadu boja
Siggy Picasso, I painted the grayness of Belgrade in a thousand colors
Svaki album, el classico
Every album, el classico
Neki će reći da moje vreme je prošlo
Some will say my time is over
Al' uveravam vas braćo
But I assure you brothers
Tek je jebeno došlo
It just fucking came
Da ja sam stru
That I'm the expert
Brate nisam valjda do ovde došao
Brother, I didn't come this far
Milion i jedno sranje prošao
I went through a million and one shit
Da bi vam dopustio da sjebete igru
To let you fuck up the game
Mnogo sam brz, ne mogu da me stignu
I'm too fast, they can't catch me
Opet se obrće, opet se obrće
It's spinning again, it's spinning again
Opet se obrće, k'o nekad
It's spinning again, like it used to
Opet se obrće, opet se obrće,
It's spinning again, it's spinning again
Opet se obrće, gori ceo grad
It's spinning again, the whole city's on fire
Obrćem ovu igru, obrćem ovu igru
I'm turning this game around, I'm turning this game around
Obrćem ovu igru, obrćem ovu igru
I'm turning this game around, I'm turning this game around
Obrćem ovu igru, obrćem ovu igru
I'm turning this game around, I'm turning this game around
Obrćem ovu igru, obrćem ovu igru
I'm turning this game around, I'm turning this game around

Struka feat. Mixa - Opet se obrce
Opet se obrce
date of release

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