Struka - 1001 plan - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Struka - 1001 plan

1001 plan
1001 Plans
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve što znam vidim i osećam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve što znam vidim i osećam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Da, da ja imam 1001 plan
Yes, yes, I have 1001 plans,
Radim da titula bi bila tu pa nemam sna,
I'm working to get the title so I don't sleep,
Kažu mi Struka uspori sine,
They tell me Struka, slow down, son,
Na ovom lancu ishrane
On this food chain
Ti se bori ko Spartanac da u klancu istraješ,
You fight like a Spartan to survive in the canyon,
Imas jednu šansu (samo eliminisi ljigu),
You have one chance (just eliminate the scum),
I još jednu šansu (da definišes igru)
And one more chance (to define the game),
Jebeš policijsku brutalnost,
Fuck police brutality,
Jer đavo u plavoj odori
Because the devil in blue
Treba da se stidi sa pravom da glavu obori,
Should be ashamed to bow his head,
Zla misao me poseti svako veče u ponoć,
Bad thoughts visit me every night at midnight,
Pa moram da potražim psihijatrijsku pomoć.
So I have to seek psychiatric help.
Ko da ne poznajem sebe,
It's like I don't know myself,
Ko da jebeno gledam u nekog stranca
Like I'm looking at a stranger
Kad vidim svoj lik u ogledalu,
When I see my reflection in the mirror,
Dok gledaju me drugi hvata me paranoja.
While others are looking at me I get paranoid.
Nek drže ruke podalje, svaka je para moja,
Keep your hands off, every penny is mine,
I koga kara koja kučka me ne zanima brate.
And I don't care who's fucking what bitch, bro.
Da bi video sutra, danima planiram brate.
To see tomorrow, I plan for days, bro.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve što znam vidim i osećam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve što znam vidim i osećam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Ti budi siguran da video sam dno brate,
You can be sure I've seen the bottom, bro,
Da video sam zlo, hulja,
That I've seen evil, scoundrel,
Nitkov i bitanga brate bio sam to,
Scoundrel and rascal, bro, I was that,
Krio sam bol brate mrtav pijan i pio sam još,
I was hiding the pain, bro, dead drunk and I drank some more,
Cio krvave sa ekipom kod kioska smo.
Covered in blood with the crew, we're at the kiosk.
Sa nekim bio sam ko brat,
I was like a brother to someone,
Od kad sam brate poznat, veselio,
Since I've been known, bro, rejoiced,
Jer zmije su to.
Because they are snakes.
U kraju bleji po ceo dan, se za to,
Hanging around the hood all day, waiting for it,
Ja imam više ali nije puno,
I have more, but it's not enough,
Veruj stvarno nije čudno nešto u tim glavama je trulo
Trust me, it's really not strange, something's rotten in their heads
Pa noću jedno oko spava, drugo oko mi je budno.
So at night one eye sleeps, the other eye is awake.
Sekundu za sekundom trošim ludo,
I waste every second madly,
Da bi osiguro novo jutro, slovo po slovo.
To ensure a new morning, letter by letter.
Da bi osiguro sranje novo pod kaputom,
To ensure new shit under the coat,
Ceo dan samo ovo ono hodam mutno.
All day long just this and that I walk around murky.
Primim, dodam, radim sve da bi onda sutno, nema šanse sada.
I receive, I give, I do everything to make it happen, no chance now.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve sto znam vidim i osecam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve sto znam vidim i osecam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Čika Stru, pika bu,
Uncle Stru, peekaboo,
šta ćeš kad je klika tu.
What will you do when the crew is here.
Lika ovde, lika tu,
Face here, face there,
Svuda znam po likapsu.
I know everywhere by the licap.
Nikad glup ne, ne,
Never stupid, no, no,
Možda ti nikad Stru,
Maybe you never Stru,
Ko Stru drz fon pitaj njega, pitaj nju.
Who Stru hold the phone ask him, ask her.
Pitaš što sam tu.
You ask why I'm here.
Tu sam da promenim igru,
I'm here to change the game,
Da vam dam sve što znam i da pobedim ljigu.
To give you everything I know and to defeat the plague.
Kad život spusti zavese i pogrebi stignu,
When life draws the curtains and the funerals arrive,
Oni koji me pljuju će da mi spomenik dignu.
Those who spit on me will erect a monument to me.
Zato pazi gde gaziš,
So watch your step,
Ovo je opasna zona,
This is a danger zone,
Ili koračaš ili puziš,
You either walk or crawl,
Ili si kapo ili si dona.
You're either a capo or a don.
Brate 1001 plan deli zivog i mrtvog,
Bro 1001 plan separates the living and the dead,
Ti u kraju blejiš s pivom i vutrom.
You're chilling in the hood with beer and weed.
To te neće nikud odvesti,
That won't get you anywhere,
Bar ne daleko,
At least not far,
Brate verujem u tebe ne znam šta si do sad cekao.
Bro I believe in you, I don't know what you've been waiting for.
Svet je tvoj, svet je moj,
The world is yours, the world is mine,
Sine živi svoj san,
Son, live your dream,
Ali ne zaboravi trebaće ti 1001 plan.
But don't forget, you'll need 1001 plans.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve što znam vidim i osećam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.
Tu sam dan, po dan,
I'm here day by day,
Sve što znam vidim i osećam,
Everything I know I see and feel,
Jer ulica je pusta kad si sam,
Because the street is empty when you're alone,
Da bi video sutra da treba ti 1001 plan.
To see tomorrow you need 1001 plans.

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