Subcarpați - Balada Lui Gruia - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Subcarpați - Balada Lui Gruia

Balada Lui Gruia
Ballad Of Gruia
Bean: În pădurea Pinului,
Bean: In the Pine Forest,
La cerdacu Lui Novacu,
At Novacu's porch,
La masă de solzi de peşte
At the fish scale table
Beau voinicii boiereşte.
The brave men drink like lords.
Beau, glumesc, se veselesc
They drink, they jest, they make merry
Şi la Dumnezeu gândesc.
And they think of God.
Beau, glumesc, se veselesc
They drink, they jest, they make merry
Şi la Dumnezeu gândesc.
And they think of God.
Dar Gruiţă, Novaciţă,
But Gruita, Novacita,
Nici nu bea, nici nu mânca,
Neither drinks nor eats,
Nici voie bună n-avea,
Nor is he in good spirits,
Ci sta gata de-a pleca.
But is ready to leave.
Măi Gruiţă, fiul meu,
My Gruita, my son,
Şa-ţi ajute Dumnezeu!
May God help you!
De ce şezi tu supărat,
Why are you sitting there upset,
Nebăut şi nemâncat?
Not drinking or eating?
Or banii ţi i-ai gătat,
Or have you run out of money,
Or ţi-i gândul la-nsurat,
Or are you thinking of getting married,
Or ţi-i dor de Ţarigrad?
Or do you miss Constantinople?
Or ţi-i dor de Ţarigrad?
Or do you miss Constantinople?
- Nici banii nu i-am gătat,
- I have not run out of money,
Nici mi-i gândul la-nsurat,
Nor am I thinking of getting married,
Ci mi-i dor de Ţarigrad!
I miss Constantinople!
Novac din cap clătina
Novac shook his head
De vei merge-n Ţarigrad,
If you go to Constantinople,
rămâi tu lângă gard,
Stay by the fence,
În oraş nu te bagi
Don't enter the city
Şi la vin nu te tragi,
And don't drink wine,
Gruiţă, copil zburdat,
Gruita, unruly child,
De mic la rele-nvăţat,
Mischievous from a young age,
El în seamă nu băga
He paid no heed
Ce tatăl său îi spunea,
To what his father said,
Madalina Pavăl: –Înălţate împărate,
Madalina Paval: –Exalted emperor,
trăieşti cu sănătate!
May you live in health!
Nimerit-au, nimerit,
It came to pass, it came to pass,
La mine-n birt o venit
A young man came to my tavern
Un voinicel tinerel,
A young man,
De toţi se miră de el;
Everyone marveled at him;
Că-n trei zile şi-n trei nopţi
For in three days and three nights
A băut sute de zloţi,
He drank hundreds of zlotys,
A băut trei buţi de vin,
He drank three barrels of wine,
Vin bătrân şi cu pelin
Old wine with wormwood
Ş-a mâncat trei vaci belite
And he ate three roasted cows
Şi trei cuptoare de pite.
And three ovens of bread.
Nu bea vinul cum se bea,
He did not drink wine as it should be drunk,
Cu sălicu şi halba,
With a cup or a tankard,
Ci mi-l bea el cu vadra,
But he drank it with a bucket,
Se miră toată lumea!
Everyone was amazed!
Cum pune vadra la gură,
As he puts the bucket to his mouth,
Varsă-n gură ca-ntr-o şură;
He pours it into his mouth like a barn;
Şi pita cât e de lată,
And the bread, as wide as it is,
El o-mbucă totodată;
He bites into it all at once;
Tot vinul cât am avut,
All the wine I had,
Tot dânsul mi l-a băut
He drank it all
Tot mâncă şi tot sorbi,
He ate and drank everything,
Dar nimica nu-mi plăti.
But he paid me nothing.
Înălţate împărate,
Exalted emperor,
Eu îţi spun cu direptate
I tell you in all honesty
De trei palme-i lat în frunte
He is three palms wide in the forehead
SI vreo 20 in spate
AND about 20 in the back
Apoi căutarea lui
His gaze
Seamănă cu-a lupului;
Is like that of a wolf;
Când se uită pe sub gene,
When he looks from under his lashes,
Şi măria-ta te-ai teme.
Even your majesty would be afraid.
VALI UMBRA: Tu, Aniţă, Birtăşiţă,
VALI UMBRA: You, Anita, Tavern Keeper,
Rogu-te la Dumnezeu
I beg you by God
Şi te jur pe capul tău
And I swear by your head
nu-i spui unde şed eu,
Not to tell him where I am,
Ăsta-i Gruia lui Novac,
This is Gruia of Novac,
Care ţara ne-a prădat,
Who plundered our country,
A prădat-o-n lung şi-n lat,
He plundered it far and wide,
De trei ori turcii-au tăiat
The Turks cut him down three times
Şi acum iar o venit
And now he has come again
Cu gând rău de prăpădit.
With evil intent to destroy.
Bată-mi-l-ar Dumnezeu
May God strike him
Pe el şi pe tatăl său,
And his father,
Dar, Aniţă, Birtăşiţă,
But, Anitsi, Tavern Keeper,
Ia' mi-l pune tu la masă
Seat him at a table
Şi dă-i vin cu rozolie,
And give him wine with rosehip,
Ca să-l tragă la beţie;
To get him drunk;
Dă-i vin cât el poate bea,
Give him as much wine as he can drink,
De plată nu întreba
Don't ask for payment
Şi dă-i vin cât va pofti,
And give him as much wine as he wants,
De plată nu pomeni.
Don't mention payment.
Şi când vinul vei găta,
And when you have the wine ready,
Vin-la mine, ţ-oi da,
Come to me, for I will give you,
Numai să-l poţi tu-mbăta,
Just so you can get him drunk,
bun preţ îi căpăta!
For he is worth a good price!
Gruia gruia (...)
Gruia gruia (...)
AFO: Şi Novac tot aştepta
AFO: And Novac kept waiting
Ca să-i vină Gruiţa;
For Gruita to come to him;
Dar în zadar aştepta,
But he waited in vain,
Gruia nu mai venea.
For Gruia would not come.
Atunci el ce mi-şi făcea?
What did he do then?
La un corb el poruncea
He ordered a raven
Şi aşa mi-i zicea
And thus he said to me
Sa-l caute pe Gruia
To find Gruia
Apoi afară ieşea,
Then he went outside,
La temniţă se ducea,
Went to the dungeon,
Lăcatele le rupea
Broke the locks
Şi pe Gruia îl scotea
And freed Gruia
Apoi amândoi se lua
Then they both took
Şi pe dusmani se întorceau
And turned on the enemies
Şi pe toţi mi-i tăiau.
And they cut them all down.
Pe unde Novac mergeau
Wherever Novac went
Ş-apoi scăpat îl făcea.
And then set him free.
Iară Gruia cu Novac
And Gruia with Novac
Se lua de după cap
Took from behind the head
Şi se imbratisau
And they embraced each other
Şi Novacu, cât trăia,
And Novaku, as long as he lived,
Tot mereu se veselea
He always rejoiced
La dusmani nu se gândea!
He did not think of enemies!

Writer(s): Marius Andrei Alexe, Valentin Musat

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