Suie Paparude - Nu te mai saturi de noi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Suie Paparude - Nu te mai saturi de noi

Nu te mai saturi de noi
Can't Get Enough of Us
Dai, dai, dai, dai, dai...
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on...
Hei yo, yo, yo runda-ntai:
Hey yo, yo, yo runda-ntai:
Avem live bazat prin tara
We've got live shows all throughout the country
D-aia multe concerte-i normal s-apara
That's why it's normal for us to have so many concerts
Pe unde am cantat am lasat sunetul dupa noi mai bine calibrat
Everywhere we've played we've left the sound behind us better calibrated
Ne invartim la alt nivel
We're spinning at a different level
Nu fii hater
Don't be a hater
Suntem so nice cu cei ce ne plac
We're so nice with those who like us
Arunc tricoul de pe mine arunc si-un hanorac
I toss my shirt off and I toss on a hoodie
Stii ca
You know
Pentru inima a fost odata musca la mare, la soare, iarba verde de acasa
Once upon a time, the heart was bitten by the sea, the sun, the meadow green back home
Hard up cea mai buna zi moartea boxei, razboinicul luminii
Hard up, the best day was the death of the speaker, the warrior of light
Cu zambetul pe buze relatam cronica
With a smile on our lips we always report the chronicle
Sound check semneaza-ntodeauna condica
The sound check always signs the register
La persoana-s atacat
In person, I'm attacked
Aparat cu suflet incorporat, sper ca nu te-am abuzat.
Defended with a soul incorporated, I hope I didn't abuse you.
Nu te mai saturi de noi Bineeeeeeee.
Can't get enough of us Well.
Dai, dai, dai, dai, dai.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Gata. Runda 2:
Done. Round 2:
Venim la timp la pinioane
We show up on time, rain or shine
Ne facem treaba zi de zi, an de an
We do our jobs day after day, year after year
Ne-am instalat, am cantat, s-au bucurat
We set up, we played, they enjoyed it
S-am plecat. Peste un timp nou rechemat
Then we left. After a while, we were invited back
Ramanem si peste program
We stay after hours
Dac-ai cazul pentru placere si pentru fani
If it's for the fun of it and for the fans
D-aia zic nu te mai saturi de noi, vedem cu voi sali din ce in ce mai balsoi
That's why I say you can't get enough of us, with you we see bigger and bigger venues
Le raspundem la mailuri, daca este cazul ne-asumam si failuri
We answer their emails, if it's the case we even assume failures
Tv-ul nu ne difuzeaza
TV doesn't show us
-Da mai bine stam departe de bordel-
-Yeah we're better off staying away from the whorehouse-
Stii ca
You know
Ne-am rezumat la sunet
We've summed it up in sound
Sintetizam fulger, tunet, prin tunner spatii si dune, tu ne-ai adus aici asa ca mai departe du-ne.
We synthesize lightning, thunder, through tuner, spaces and dunes, you brought us here, so take us further.
Bineeeeee. Brrrrraaa.
Well. Brrrrraaa.

Writer(s): Alexe Marius Andrei, Mihai Campineanu

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