Svaba Ortak feat. Juice & Napoleon - D.S.Z. (feat. Juice & Napoleon) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Svaba Ortak feat. Juice & Napoleon - D.S.Z. (feat. Juice & Napoleon)

D.S.Z. (feat. Juice & Napoleon)
D.S.Z. (feat. Juice & Napoleon)
Sve gledam od kad sam bio mali ja
They've been watching since they were a child,
I pito′ sam se se sta znaci talija
And they wondered what "Talija" meant.
I cela ekipa iz kraja starija
The whole older crew from the neighborhood,
Itali, nemacka, svica, spanija
Talking about Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Spain.
Pa gledali sony, armani djanija
Then watching Sony, Armani, Gianni.
Pocinje rat, tuzla, slovenija, gorazde, krajina
The war starts, Tuzla, Slovenia, Gorazde, Krajina.
Sankcije, borba za hleb i krvave slike danima
Sanctions, fight for bread, and bloody images for days.
Embargo i vise ne postoji jugoslavija
Embargo, and Yugoslavia no longer exists.
I dan danas nosim od tog bol
And to this day, they carry the pain from that,
Jer smo verovali amerima
Because we trusted the Americans.
Donesi jos flase za sto
Bring more bottles to the table,
I muzika neka mi svira
And let the music play for me.
I sam znas kad dotaknes dno
You know yourself, when you touch the bottom,
Koliko je dusa ranija
How much the soul is wounded.
I opet samo da ne cuje zlo
And again, just so they don't hear evil,
Hvala bogu meni je sreca vracena
Thank God, happiness has been returned to me.
Od malih nogu trpis posledice ratova
From a young age, you suffer the consequences of wars,
Molis se bogu, zivis s druge strane zakona
You pray to God, you live on the other side of the law.
Znas da nikad neces pobeci iz zatvora
You know you'll never escape from this prison,
Ostajes isti, ova drzava je mafija
You remain the same, this state is a mafia.
Od malih nogu trpis posledice ratova
From a young age, you suffer the consequences of wars,
Molis se bogu, zivis s druge strane zakona
You pray to God, you live on the other side of the law.
Znas da nikad neces pobeci iz zatvora
You know you'll never escape from this prison,
Ostajes isti, ova drzava je mafija
You remain the same, this state is a mafia.
I od kad mogu da se sjetim glava bila je u torbi
And ever since they can remember, their head was in a bag,
A dje nas nadje taka sudba bruda vazda samo u borbi
And where did such fate find us, brother, always just in a fight.
Wuchs auf Beton, Homie, nicht allein
Grew up on concrete, homie, not alone,
Beef is wie Hochzeit, haben Kollonnen mit dabei
Beef is like a wedding, we have columns with us.
Paki, du hast Dachschaden, Scheiss auf Knollen, nimm dein Miiic
Paki, you're crazy, fuck the cops, take your milk,
Bruder ohne Dachschaden, keine Sonne in meinem Heim!
Brother without a roof damage, no sun in my home!
Hoda se po dvoru, plasi se gospodaaaaa
Walking around the court, afraid of the gentlemen,
Klik klik, bam bam bam bam, bam, bam bam, bam!
Click click, bam bam bam bam, bam, bam bam, bam!
Niko nebi na megdan, ali neko moraaaaaa
Nobody would go to the fight, but someone has to,
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, baaaaam
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, baaaaam
Necu sice, hocu vrece pune, vece sume
I don't want change, I want bags full, bigger amounts,
Nema spavanja i odmora do seste nule
No sleep and rest until the sixth zero.
Zerfetzte Lunge, Gläser in die Luft für die letzte Runde
Torn lungs, glasses in the air for the last round,
Verdeckte Hunde spielen bester Kunde, Verbrecherdschungel,
Hidden dogs playing best customer, criminal jungle,
Vernetzter Junge
Networked boy
Eee, i vazda gazim istu pedalu
Yeah, and they always step on the same pedal,
A kicmu izbalansiram ti na instrumentalu
And they balance your spine on the instrumental.
O o k, mastaplan, balkan brat, platz ins game
Oh okay, master plan, Balkan brother, burst into the game,
Blockpoet, da da da, massaka, paki lebt, aaa!!
Block poet, da da da, massaka, paki lives, aaa!!
Od malih nogu trpis posledice ratova
From a young age, you suffer the consequences of wars,
Molis se bogu, zivis s druge strane zakona
You pray to God, you live on the other side of the law.
Znas da nikad neces pobeci iz zatvora
You know you'll never escape from this prison,
Ostajes isti, ova drzava je mafija
You remain the same, this state is a mafia.
Od malih nogu trpis posledice ratova
From a young age, you suffer the consequences of wars,
Molis se bogu, zivis s druge strane zakona
You pray to God, you live on the other side of the law.
Znas da nikad neces pobeci iz zatvora
You know you'll never escape from this prison,
Ostajes isti, ova drzava je mafija
You remain the same, this state is a mafia.

Writer(s): Doni Balkan, Juice, Napoleon, Pmc Eastblok, Svaba Ortak

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