Sáez'93 - H _ _ _ _ _ en el mundo entero - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Sáez'93 - H _ _ _ _ _ en el mundo entero

H _ _ _ _ _ en el mundo entero
H _ _ _ _ _ in the whole world
El sureño un impala me dejó en el palace
The southerner, an Impala, dropped me off at the palace
Mi mente no muere aunque llueven las balas
My mind doesn't die even though the bullets rain
Solo pa jugar me visto de gala
Just to play, I dress up
Vuelvo a la cancha, prenden bengalas
I return to the court, they light flares
Falaz como la justicia, ni tal pericia
Fallacious like justice, not even such expertise
Esa malicia cuasi de milicia
That malice, almost military-like
A quién beneficia su artificio?
Who benefits from their artifice?
Se desquician antes de perder el juicio
They lose their minds before losing their judgment
La expiación de los demonios
The expiation of demons
Un nuevo paradigma en este matrimonio
A new paradigm in this marriage
Vaga como quien perdió su territorio
Wandering like someone who lost their territory
Odio bajo las luces naranjas de sodio
Hatred under the orange sodium lights
Mi denuncia es de diseño
My complaint is by design
No espere posteos, de quien habla en el estéreo
Don't expect posts from the one who speaks on the stereo
Ingenio en lo etéreo, mis letras son el ministerio
Ingenuity in the ethereal, my lyrics are the ministry
La cara es lo único que pueden tener serio
Their face is the only thing they can take seriously
Cruzando brasil en el celerio
Crossing Brazil in the celery (slang for a fast car)
Vilma nos persigue en la máquina del misterio
Velma chases us in the Mystery Machine
Nivel senior, fabricando musas
Senior level, manufacturing muses
Verso tras barra ante su mirada intrusa
Verse after bar before your intrusive gaze
Lo que desgarra el alma no lo calma una excusa
What tears the soul apart is not calmed by an excuse
Necesito anestesia,
I need anesthesia,
Medallista olímpico de ruleta rusa, trucos para
Olympic medalist in Russian roulette, tricks for
La mirada ilusa como la iglesia
The naive look like the church
Habla de caída libre en un dialecto épico
Speaks of freefall in an epic dialect
Escribió te amo pero era un jeroglífico
He wrote I love you but it was a hieroglyphic
Ese cabo suelto, un día se zafa
That loose end, one day it will come undone
Y qué difusa es la moral en la ciudad estafa
And how diffuse morality is in this city of scams
Paz para mi, mal para mil, pan para ti, hambre en el mundo entero.
Peace for me, evil for a thousand, bread for you, hunger in the whole world.
Paz para ti, mal para mil, pan para mi, hambre en el mundo entero
Peace for you, evil for a thousand, bread for me, hunger in the whole world

Writer(s): Alain Gómez

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