Tal B - Soub' han' Allah - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Tal B - Soub' han' Allah

Soub' han' Allah
Glory be to Allah
Dien ne la siran
My religion is not a joke
Ta sira tounou na na
Your lifestyle is a joke
Bi kilé ka kalan wa ka teli
It's just something that you talk about
Kow bèdé guelèyara
You’re a hypocrite, brother
Kaba be prin samia san tena na tioko la blen barika te kola
My heart is filled with nothing but blessings and peace
Saya yèrè te mogô la siran blen
I pray to my lord
Niongon dèmè hinè ayi bèkôw
The world is filled with lies
Nyèrè dougou kolo ko nafolo ko
And you still pretend you’re innocent
Balimaw niongon kèlè
You guys are all hypocrites
Temps môgô chi bolo môgôya tora téléphone ma...
The time is running out. I’m calling you on the phone
Allô niamè ki bana Allah ka hinai ala...
Hello, my dear, I’m here to tell you that God is watching over us
Tout le monde est hypocrite
Everybody is a hypocrite
Teri ten blen oubé yèlè iniana niyi
You just pretend that you’re pure
Kôdo oubi blen
You’re a hypocrite, brother
Nema dala ni anw kilé yèrè de Dankalen taii ohh nema dala ni
There’s no way that someone like you can even try to think of my God’s name, ohh, there’s no way
Dieyen yèrè de wili taii ohh
You can’t even keep your word, ohh
Wadjoulou kèlaw be niongon
All of the politicians are hypocrites
Artisiw niongonlâ Politicienw
All the artists, all the politicians
Be niongon Sourakaw be Djamana kila Mali kachi
They are hypocrites. The thieves are everywhere. Mali is a mess
A nièdji jigui iko djeli kènè
They are just trying to take advantage of the poor and the weak
Espoirs déjà avenirs en danger glôw kèra mini djiyé drogue kèra balô le dernier souci des jeunes oyé kalan koyé ni join ma do minan o tôra Espagne taka ni minté PD yala ou djeni moto chouin
Hope is already in danger. The future is in danger. Drugs, drugs, drugs are the only things you care about. You’re always on the lookout for joints and weed. You want to go to Spain. You want to spend your money there. The whole time, you’re just trying to make a quick buck
Gôw yèrè féré Doutiguiw
All of the leaders are taking advantage of this
So billet tala sèguin djamana
They’re taking your money and giving it to their friends
Obêla oubé corruption sama tara
This is the kind of corruption we’re dealing with right now
Sama nana nin bèyé môgô kelen
It’s time for me to find another country to live in
Denyé Allah ité gninè Mali la ten
Only Allah can save Mali
Mailèkèni wôlô bali o djenèya niendon nga massa boya kissè kelen bi denwou to nièdon tchè ni tchè kanou musso ni musso kanou
People are going to have to do a lot of soul searching. They are going to have to change their ways. They need to stop being so disrespectful
Mousso fouroulé ka tchè kènèma ayé djenèya chitanè seran na chitanè ya sagô sôrô manifinw dien ali chini ni aradjinè te sôrô boîte befa ni missiri bar be fa ni église dinè tienan flani kafô ya kèra mode niongôn faga banbali accident banbali kilé wili ka bin ni mamè yôrôdô jihadi kan kouna dia sanin nsa donwtiè chité môgôla salatou tiguè kouma ka tian Allah oun son nimaniya
Women are struggling to make ends meet. They are going through so much. They have to deal with a lot of bad things. They have to deal with the devil. They are being harassed at the club. They are being taken advantage of at the church. They are being judged. They are being pressured to conform to society’s expectations. They are constantly being put in harm’s way. They are being forced to deal with the terrorists. They are being judged for their religious beliefs. They’re not allowed to pray in peace. They are being told they’re not worthy of God’s love
Soub han Allah dienyen laban kilé Allah ntagan oun kouma dia ika son nimania
Glory be to Allah. There’s nothing more important than God. There’s nothing more powerful than God 2x

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