TV-2 - Popmusikerens Vise (Live) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation TV-2 - Popmusikerens Vise (Live)

Popmusikerens Vise (Live)
Pop Musician's Song (Live)
Som ung musikant blev jeg af mor
As a young musician, my mother
Spændt fast til et blankpoleret skolebord
Strapped me to a gleaming school desk
Jeg skrev min stil og regnede den ud
I wrote my essay and figured it out
Holdt altid min kæft og sagde ingen imod
Always kept my mouth shut and never talked back
Fordi jeg lærte at krybe før jeg kunne
Because I learned to crawl before I could walk
endte jeg med pop, succes og stjerner
So I ended up with pop, success, and stars on
blev jeg med et minimum af flid
Then with a minimum of diligence
Student mindre end den halve tid
I became a student in less than half the time
Mit smil var bredt og karakteren svag
My smile was wide and my grades were poor
Mine lektier skrev jeg af helt uden ubehag
I copied my homework without any discomfort
Fordi min høflighed ik′var til at misforstå
Because my politeness was not to be misunderstood
endte jeg med pop, succes og stjerner
So I ended up with pop, success, and stars on
Mod strømmen stred de andre sig
Against the current, the others struggled
Jeg kiggede pænt den anden vej
I looked the other way nicely
Jeg skrev musik og spillede smart
I wrote music and played smart
Og blev fandens populær i en helvedes fart
And became damn popular in a hell of a hurry
Fordi jeg vidste præcis hvor langt jeg kunne
Because I knew exactly how far I could go
endte jeg med pop, succes og stjerner
So I ended up with pop, success, and stars on
Politisk set var jeg ligeglad
Politically, I didn't care
Min fremtid ku? jeg læse i et ugeblad
I could read my future in a weekly magazine
Jeg holdt mig uden for enhver diskussion
I stayed out of every discussion
Og blev aldrig rigtig uenig med nogen
And never really disagreed with anyone
Fordi jeg altid bar meningerne udenpå
Because I always wore my opinions on my sleeve
endte jeg med pop, succes og stjerner
So I ended up with pop, success, and stars on
Til alle jer der gerne vil op
To all of you who want to make it to the top
popularitetens allerhøjeste top
Of popularity's highest peak
Syng med og hold jer i en enhver forstand
Sing along and hold yourself in every sense
Fra tvivlens smukke urolige vand
From the beautiful, restless water of doubt
Stå aldrig tilbage - lad de andre stå
Never stand back - let the others stand
Du får stribevis af pop, succes og stjerner
You'll get plenty of pop, success, and stars on

Writer(s): Steffen Brandt

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