Tanja Savic - Sestre po suzama - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Tanja Savic - Sestre po suzama

Sestre po suzama
Sisters by Tears
Bio si bol u mojim grudima
You were the pain in my chest
U glavi gore i od ludila
The fire in my head and the madness
U srcu nezvan gost, u grlu tanka kost
A stranger in my heart, a bone in my throat
Kada nemam vazduha
When I can't breathe
Slepa ulica i hladan dom
Dead end street and cold house
Crno nebo nad Beogradom
Dark sky over Belgrade
To si mi bio ti, al' sada ne brini
That's what you were, but don't worry now
Prezivela sam to
I survived
Posle tebe ja sam zena
After you, I'm a woman
U ljubav ranjena
Wounded in love
Kome sada lomis krila
Who are you breaking the wings of now?
Kome prljas postelju
Whose bed are you dirtying?
Kome ulazis pod kozu
Whose skin are you getting under?
Sve do kostiju
Right down to the bone
Kome dane tugom mracis
Whose days are you darkening with sorrow?
Kome crno oblacis
Who're you dressing in black?
Ko za tobom place ovih dana
Who's crying for you these days
Kada ostane u noci sama
Who's left alone in the night?
Moja je to sestra po suzama
She's my sister by tears
Cemu sada takva presija
Why such pressure now?
Ma, sad mi treba anestezija
Damn, I need anesthesia now
Da bol ne osecam, da te se ne secam
To not feel the pain, to not remember you
U dugim nocima
In the long nights
Sramota me je sto sam trazila
I'm ashamed I searched
Andjela u liku djavola
For an angel in a devil's shape
Izgubila sam, znam, na zidu placa sam
I lost, I know, I wrote your name on the wall
Ime ti napisala
In tears
Posle tebe ja sam zena
After you, I'm a woman
U ljubav ranjena
Wounded in love

Writer(s): Filip Miletic, Milos Roganovic

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