Tazenda - Mielacrime - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Tazenda - Mielacrime

My Salty Tears
Possa il mio primo canto saluto
May my first greeting song
Giungere fino a te
Reach you
E fa che vento buio e paura
And may dark wind and fear
Non mi portino via
Not carry me away
Prendimi per mano portami a casa mia
Take my hand, take me home
Laeami sa manu iuchemi in sa bidda mea
Take my hand, take me home
Possano le mie lacrime amare
May my bitter tears
Amare ogni cosa ah
Love all things, ah
Podent sa cambas
May my feet
Meda lizzeras currere finza a tie
Run lightly to you
Podet sa luna creschere finza
May the moon grow
A cando ada a esser mia
Until it is mine
Possa la pioggia cadere lenta
May the rain fall slowly
Come una musica
Like soft music
Possano le mie braccia ah ah stringerti al sole eh eh
May my arms, ah ah, hold you in the sun, heh heh
E diventar parole eh eh
And become words, heh heh
Nuvole verso te
Clouds toward you
Prendimi per mano
Take my hand
Portami a casa mia
Take me home
Laeami sa manu iuchemi in sa bidda mea
Take my hand, take me home
Possano le mie lacrime amare
May my bitter tears
Amare ogni cosa ah
Love all things, ah
Podent sas abbas ruere lenta
Let the waters flow slowly
Che lebia musica
Like soft music
Possa la luna crescere fino
May the moon grow until
A quando sarai da me
I am yours
Podent so rios riere a su male sighende a tie
May the rivers laugh, following the sea to you
Beautiful life
Beautiful life
Beautiful time
Beautiful time
Beautiful places
Beautiful places
Beautiful own
Beautiful own
Beautiful sunrise
Beautiful sunrise
Possano le mie lacrime amare
May my bitter tears
Amare ogni cosa ah
Love all things, ah
Podent sa cambas meda lizzeras currere finza a tie
May my feet run lightly to you
Podet sa luna creschere
May the moon grow
Finza a cando ada a esser mia
Until I am yours
Podent so rios riere a su male sighende a tie
May the rivers laugh, following the sea to you
Possa la primavera ah ah vestirmi ancora ah
May spring dress me again, ah ah

Writer(s): Luigi Marielli

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