Tedi - nu-i corect - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Tedi - nu-i corect

nu-i corect
It's not right
Nu-i nimic intamplator
Nothing is random
Ne-a fost scris sa ne legam
We were meant to be bound
N-am fost simpli trecatori
We weren't just passersby
Ne-a fost scris sa ne-ntamplam
We were meant to happen
Si te intreb iti pare rau?
And I ask you, do you regret it?
Ca mie-mi pare pentru tot
Because I regret everything
Pentru fiecare gest,
For every gesture,
Sau cuvant in plus
Or extra word
Pentru seara aia-n care
For that night when
Te-am facut sa plangi
I made you cry
Ca ti-am pus in carca
Because I burdened you
Mai mult decat trebuia sa duci
With more than you could carry
Imi pare rau ca scriu despre noi
I'm sorry I'm writing about us
Si ne-arat lumii goi
And showing us to the world, bare
De parca n-am fi noi
As if it weren't us
Arat doar catre tine
I'm only pointing at you
De parca n-am fi doi
As if we weren't two
Stii foarte bine
You know very well
Nici eu nu ma laud cu mine
I'm not bragging about myself either
Dar nu te-am tradat
But I didn't betray you
Nici macar cu gandul
Not even in thought
Niciodata altul
Never with another
Pentru ca tu ai fost pamantul meu
Because you were my world
Am infipt un steag in el
I planted a flag in it
Scria numele tau peste tot
Your name was written everywhere
Sa vada orice trecator
For every passerby to see
Dar nu-i corect
But it's not right
Vreau iubire ca-n filme
I want a movie-like love
Sa ma iubesti
For you to love me
Asa cum n-o face nimeni
Like no one else does
Nu-i corect
It's not right
Vreau iubire ca-n filme
I want a movie-like love
Sa te iubesc
To love you
Si sa nu te impart cu nimeni
And not share you with anyone
Ne-ai vandut degeaba
You sold us out for nothing
Pentru un moment banal
For a trivial moment
Am stat ani intregi langa tine
I stood by you for years
De cand eram pustani
Since we were kids
Si visam la ce n-aveam
And dreamed of what we didn't have
Si nici nu vom mai avea
And will never have
Unde eram in mintea ta
Where was I in your mind
Cand era ea deasupra ta?
When she was on top of you?
Mi-ai zis candva ca-s majestatea ta
You once told me I was your majesty
Ai dat foc intregului regat
You set fire to the whole kingdom
Si sincer sper c-a meritat
And I honestly hope it was worth it
Parca te vad mai bine acum
I can see you better now
Parca-mi vine sa rad
I almost want to laugh
Eu sus, tu in genunchi
Me up, you on your knees
Nu ma mai implora
Don't beg me anymore
Stii ca nu iert asa ceva
You know I don't forgive something like that
Ca tu ai fost pamantul meu
Because you were my world
Am infipt un steag in el
I planted a flag in it
Scria numele tau peste tot
Your name was written everywhere
Sa vada orice trecator
For every passerby to see
Dar nu-i corect
But it's not right
Vreau iubire ca-n filme
I want a movie-like love
Sa ma iubesti
For you to love me
Asa cum n-o face nimeni
Like no one else does
Nu-i corect
It's not right
Vreau iubire ca-n filme
I want a movie-like love
Sa te iubesc
To love you
Si sa nu te impart cu nimeni
And not share you with anyone

Writer(s): Teodora Rus

Tedi - nu-i corect
nu-i corect
date of release

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