1 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Overture
2 Belshazzar: "Vain, fluctuating state of human empire"
3 Belshazzar: "All Empires Upon God Depend"
4 Belshazzar: "Sing, oh ye heav'ns!"
5 Belshazzar: "Recall, oh king! thy rash command"
6 Belshazzar: "See, from his post Euphrates flies!"
7 Belshazzar: "To arms, to arms! no more delay!"
8 Belshazzar: A Sinfony
9 Belshazzar: "Oh sentence too severe!" / "Regard, oh son, my flowing tears"
10 Belshazzar: "Oh glorious prince!"
11 Belshazzar: A Martial Symphony
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