The Hit Crew - Burnin' The Roadhouse Down - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation The Hit Crew - Burnin' The Roadhouse Down

Burnin' The Roadhouse Down
Burnin' The Roadhouse Down
Praf zi si noapte dupa modelu' 24
Dust off the night in the 24 style
Credeam ca sunt nebun pana l-am cunoscut pe Raku
I thought I was crazy until I met Raku
Mustaru e wassabi si arabii sunt wahhabiti
Mustard is wasabi and the Arabs are Wahhabis
Nu confunda wassabi cu wahhabit
Don't confuse wasabi with Wahhabi
E total straniu
It's totally weird
Se trage-n fiecare clipa ca o bomba cu ceas
It goes off every moment like a time bomb
Vreau jazz la radio, vreau rap in prime-time
I want jazz on the radio, I want rap in prime time
Si fiecare clipa ca o bomba cu ceas
And every moment like a time bomb
Nociv psihic, atipic, clarific treaba,
Mentally harmful, atypical, I clarify the situation,
Nu sta degeaba,
Don't be idle,
Uita-te la insecte,
Look at the insects,
Tre' sa stralucesc, dar sunt mult prea obosit sa ma prefac vesel
I have to shine, but I'm too tired to pretend to be cheerful
Pot totul, aduc po..., naaa gandesc la ce scriu
I can do anything, I bring po..., nah I think about what I write
Pur si simplu spun ca sunt un poet antic
I simply say that I am an ancient poet
Ce faci tu nu se cheama hit, se cheama impardonabil,
What you do is not called a hit, it's called unforgivable,
Sunt un poet antic
I am an ancient poet
Numele tau marunt si gluma ta stupida n-are nici un haz
Your petty name and stupid joke are not funny at all
Deci scuip fluvii, erup ca Vezuviu,
So I spit rivers, erupt like Vesuvius,
Distorsionez ca un ciclop care vede dublu
I distort like a cyclops who sees double
Sunt mai personal ca Sinatra,
I'm more personal than Sinatra,
Vroiam sa zic socru, okai asa si ce-i cu asta?
I meant to say father-in-law, okay so what about it?
Visez mpc, dar la ce bun cand tu ascultzi in mp3
I dream of MPC, but what's the point when you listen in MP3
Hip Hop nu-i mp3, Hip Hop nu-i internet
Hip Hop is not MP3, Hip Hop is not the Internet
(Iti uram mult succes...)
(I wish you all the best...)
Daca vrei Hip Hop
If you want Hip Hop
Eu o sa-ti dau Hip Hop
I'll give you Hip Hop
Vulpea cu noua cozi esti tu
You are the nine-tailed fox
Care dai din cap,
Who shakes your head,
Intoxicat, toate le deschid si paf,
Intoxicated, I open them all and poof,
Raman zen in acest teren minat .
I remain zen in this minefield.
Daca vrei Hip Hop
If you want Hip Hop
eu o sa-ti dau Hip Hop
I'll give you Hip Hop
Vulpea cu noua cozi esti tu
You are the nine-tailed fox
Care dai din cap,
Who shakes your head,
Intoxicat, toate le deschid si paf
Intoxicated, I open them all and poof,
Raman zen in acest teren minat.
I remain zen in this minefield.
Printre vulpi cumetre, prieteni sau vedete
Among cunning foxes, friends or stars
Am frati din Decebal, Berceni, Cotroceni sau DT (Drumu Taberei)
I have brothers from Decebal, Berceni, Cotroceni or DT (Drumu Taberei)
Ce nu s-au apucat de texte sa-si procure fete,
Who didn't start writing lyrics to get girls,
Sunt stanci cu multe munci pe care media nu-i vede
They are rocks with many works that the media does not see
Si-atunci cand unu reuseste traindu-si linia
And when one succeeds in living his line
Pirania si invidia ar vrea sa-i terfeleasca opinia
The piranha and envy would like to tarnish his opinion
Insa frustratzii care scriu
But the frustrated writers
Si paparatii stiu,
And the paparazzi know,
Ca lentilele-s ca fetitele cand umbla prea tarziu,
That lenses are like girls when they walk too late,
Ia-ti camera de zgarda
Take your camera out of its case
Si taie-o c-o s-o plangi la garda,
And cut it because you'll cry about it at the police station,
Biletu nu-ti da dreptu
The ticket doesn't give you the right
Sa tragi concertu thank you,
To shoot the concert thank you,
Lasa-l, du-te acasa si pe taste-apasa,
Leave it, go home and press the keys,
Noteaza ca din cauze de-astea unii de rap se lasa
Note that because of these reasons, some people give up rap
Zambesc ca sabia laser
I smile like a lightsaber
Tii doliu dup-orgoliu
You mourn your pride
Si numai tu alegi sa zaci in gang sau in fotoliu
And only you choose to lie in the hallway or in the armchair
Am o imagine special culeasa din paragina
I have a special image collected from the wasteland
Nu stiu de bani, ma-mbrac asa pe strazi sau prima pagina
I don't know about money, I dress like this on the streets or the front page
In gasca fara zdrente si minciuni de smoala
In the gang without rags and tar lies
N-am chef ca javrele ma obliga sa ma tin de sala
I don't feel like the bastards make me stick to the gym
Traiesc ca umbra-n tundra, sumbra si reala
I live like a shadow in the tundra, dim and real
Si-mi pare rau de ea ca-n teasta vad lumea ideala
And I feel sorry for her because I see the ideal world in her head
Ref. X2
Chorus X2

Writer(s): Carnes Charles Frederick, Wariner Steven Noel

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