The Jam - Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and Russian translation The Jam - Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)

Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
В полночь на станции метро (Живое выступление на Wembley Arena, Великобритания / 1982)
The distant echo of far away voices boarding far away trains
Далекое эхо далёких голосов, садящихся в далёкие поезда,
To take them home to the ones that they love and who love them forever
Чтобы отвезти их домой к тем, кого они любят, и кто любит их вечно.
The glazed, dirty steps, repeat my own and reflect my thoughts
Застеклённые, грязные ступени повторяют мои собственные шаги и отражают мои мысли.
Cold and uninviting, partially naked, except for toffee wrappers
Холодные и неприветливые, полуголые, если не считать фантиков от конфет
And this morning′s papers, Mr. Jones got run down
И сегодняшних газет. Мистера Джонса сбили.
Headlines of death and sorrow, they tell of tomorrow
Заголовки о смерти и горе, они рассказывают о завтрашнем дне.
Madmen on the rampage, and I'm down in the tube station at midnight
Безумцы неистовствуют, а я в полночь на станции метро.
I fumble for change, and pull out the Queen, smiling, beguiling
Я шарил в поисках мелочи и достал королеву, улыбающуюся, завлекающую.
I put in the money and pull out a plum, behind me
Я опустил монету и достал сливу. Позади меня
Whispers in the shadows, gruff blazing voices, hating, waiting
Шёпот в тенях, грубые пылающие голоса, полные ненависти, ждущие.
Hey boy, they shout, have you got any money?
Эй, парень, кричат они, есть ли у тебя деньги?
But I say, I′ve a little money and a take away curry
Но я говорю: меня есть немного денег и карри на вынос.
I'm on the way home to my wife, she'll be lining up the cutlery
Я иду домой к моей жене, она, наверное, уже расставляет столовые приборы
And now she′s expecting me
И ждёт меня."
Polishing the glasses and pulling out the cork
Полирует бокалы и вытаскивает пробку.
And I′m down in the tube station at midnight
А я в полночь на станции метро.
I first felt a fist, and then a kick, I could now smell their breath
Сначала я почувствовал кулак, а затем удар ногой. Теперь я мог почувствовать их дыхание.
They smelt of pubs and Wormwood Scrubs
Они пахли пабами, тюрьмой Уормвуд-Скрабс
And too many right wing meetings, my life swam around me
И слишком большим количеством правых митингов. Моя жизнь проплыла перед глазами,
It took a look and drowned me in its own existence
Взглянула на меня и утопила меня в своем собственном существовании.
The smell of brown leather, it blended in with the weather
Запах коричневой кожи смешался с погодой.
It filled my eyes, ears, nose and mouth
Он заполнил мои глаза, уши, нос и рот.
It blocked all my senses, couldn't see, hear, speak any longer
Он заблокировал все мои чувства. Я больше не мог видеть, слышать, говорить.
I′m down in the tube station at midnight
Я в полночь на станции метро.
I said, "I was down in the tube station at midnight" Hey
Я сказал: был в полночь на станции метро". Эй!
The last thing that I saw as I lay there on the floor
Последнее, что я увидел, лёжа на полу,
Was 'Jesus Saves′ painted by an atheist nutter
Была надпись "Иисус спасает", сделанная каким-то атеистом-чокнутым.
And a British Rail poster read
А плакат Британской железной дороги гласил:
'Have an away day, a cheap holiday, do it today′
"Отправьтесь в путешествие, недорогой отдых, сделайте это сегодня".
I glanced back on my life and thought about my wife
Я оглянулся на свою жизнь и подумал о своей жене,
'Cause they took the keys, and she'll think it′s me
Ведь они забрали ключи, и она подумает, что это я.
I′m down in the tube station at midnight
Я в полночь на станции метро.
The wine will be flat and the curry's gone cold
Вино будет выдохшимся, а карри остынет.
I′m down in the tube station at midnight
Я в полночь на станции метро.
Don't want to go down in a tube station at midnight
Не хочу оказаться в полночь на станции метро.
Don′t want to go down in a tube station at midnight
Не хочу оказаться в полночь на станции метро.
Don't want to go down in a tube station at midnight
Не хочу оказаться в полночь на станции метро.
Don′t want to go down in a tube station at midnight
Не хочу оказаться в полночь на станции метро.

Writer(s): PAUL WELLER

The Jam - Fire and Skill: The Jam Live
Fire and Skill: The Jam Live
date of release

1 Slow Down (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
2 Slow Down (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
3 Art School (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
4 Time For Truth (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
5 Takin' My Love (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
6 The Dreams of Children (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
7 The Modern World (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
8 Scrape Away (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
9 Carnaby Street (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
10 Private Hell (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
11 Smithers-Jones (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
12 Sounds From the Street (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
13 The Modern World (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
14 Monday (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
15 Standards - Live At Reading University, UK / 1979
16 The Modern World (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
17 Thick As Thieves (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
18 Heatwave (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
19 In the Crowd (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
20 The Place I Love (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
21 Big Bird - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
22 The Gift (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
23 Billy Hunt (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
24 Boy About Town (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
25 Man In The Corner Shop - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
26 Here Comes the Weekend (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
27 Private Hell (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
28 Carnaby Street (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
29 Bricks and Mortar (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
30 Away From the Numbers (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
31 When You're Young (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
32 'A' Bomb In Wardour Street (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
33 Set The House Ablaze - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
34 David Watts (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
35 London Traffic (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
36 I Need You (For Someone) (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
37 London Traffic (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
38 All Around the World (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
39 The Butterfly Collector - Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982
40 The Dreams of Children (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
41 David Watts (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
42 Beat Surrender (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
43 I've Changed My Address (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
44 Boy About Town (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
45 Start! (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
46 Liza Radley (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
47 Pretty Green (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
48 Strange Town (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
49 Ghosts (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
50 In the City (Encore / Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
51 In the Midnight Hour (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
52 Tonight At Noon (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
53 Mr. Clean (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
54 News of the World (Soundcheck / Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
55 Sounds From the Street (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
56 Little Boy Soldiers (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
57 Going Underground (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
58 Going Underground (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
59 The Eton Rifles (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
60 Get Yourself Together (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
61 London Girl (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
62 News of the World (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
63 Bricks and Mortar (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
64 Dream Time (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
65 'A' Bomb In Wardour Street (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
66 Start! (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
67 Little Boy Soldiers (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
68 In the Street Today (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
69 Happy Together (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
70 Sounds From the Street (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
71 Back In My Arms Again (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
72 Billy Hunt (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
73 It's Too Bad (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
74 But I'm Different Now (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
75 Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
76 Here Comes the Weekend (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
77 The Modern World (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
78 So Sad About Us (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
79 All Around the World (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
80 Ghosts (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
81 All Mod Cons (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
82 In the Midnight Hour (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
83 David Watts (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
84 London Girl (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
85 To Be Someone (Didn't We Have a Nice Time) (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
86 Heatwave (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
87 The Great Depression (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
88 Going Underground (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
89 Move On Up (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
90 Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
91 Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
92 Funeral Pyre - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
93 Set the House Ablaze (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
94 Pretty Green (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
95 Man In the Corner Shop (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
96 Precious (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
97 Town Called Malice - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
98 Absolute Beginners (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
99 Boy About Town (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
100 To Be Someone (Didn't We Have a Nice Time) (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
101 Standards (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
102 It's Too Bad (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
103 The Combine (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
104 News of the World (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
105 Standards (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
106 Away From the Numbers (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
107 When You're Young (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
108 Mr. Clean (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
109 In The City - Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977
110 The Gift / Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
111 Intro (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
112 Circus (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
113 In the Crowd / David Watts (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
114 Bricks and Mortar / Batman (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
115 That's Entertainment / Tales From the Riverbank (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
116 Sweet Soul Music (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
117 In the Street Today (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
118 Aunties and Uncles (Impulsive Youths) (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
119 All Mod Cons / To Be Someone (Didn't We Have a Nice Time) (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
120 In the Street Today (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
121 Trans-Global Express (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)

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