The Venopian Solitude - Zigurat - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation The Venopian Solitude - Zigurat

Hey adik manis
Hey, my sweet adik
Ingatlah fana ini persis
Remember this world is exactly
Kertas yang ditulis
Paper that is written
Dalam berus fasis
In fascist brushes
Yang mengkabur habis
That completely blur out
Sebutir batu kecil
A small stone
Menghalang jalan liar
Obstructs the wild road
Disepak diterajang
Kicked and trampled
Namun tak berganjak
But it doesn't budge
Mengapa kau persis?
Why are you exactly like that?
Silalah beralih, hey-yeah
Please move on, hey-yeah
Teriak si kecilku bilang
My little one cries out saying
"Jangan menyiksa"
"Don't torture"
Beliak si raksasa ujar
The giant stares and says
Jangan mencuba tentang kuasanya
Don't try to challenge his power
Walau kau yang punya
Even though it's yours
Undurkanlah diri yang kian mereput mati
Retreat the self that is increasingly rotting away
Sebelum hakiki merakusi ilusi
Before the real invades the illusion
Yang kian mengubur tujuan masa lalu
Which increasingly buries the purpose of the past
Seharum mana pun ketamakanmu itu
However fragrant your greed is
'Kan jatuh, woo-oo ('kan jatuh) woo-oo
It will fall, woo-oo (it will fall) woo-oo
Seulas kiasan pagi dikocek buas
A hint of morning is savagely snatched
Sebulan keringat hari yang disorok lekas
A month of sweat a day that is quickly hidden
Bungkus hati kita dan segera berlayar
Wrap our hearts and sail away soon
Jangan tinggal daku seorang di sini
Don't leave me alone here
Hari naik detik kandungan mengalir
The day rises, the seconds in the womb flow
Lindungilah aku, woo
Protect me, woo
Oh, Ibu Pertiwimu, ooh
Oh, your Motherland, ooh
Undurkanlah diri yang kian mereput mati
Retreat the self that is increasingly rotting away
Sebelum hakiki merakusi ilusi
Before the real invades the illusion
Yang kian mengubur tujuan masa lalu
Which increasingly buries the purpose of the past
Seharum mana pun ketamakanmu itu
However fragrant your greed is
Hilang semua permata
All the jewels are lost
Lalu hilang jiwa si nusa dan bangsa
Then the soul of the nation and people is lost
Pertiwi tak mampu lagi tegak berdiri
The Motherland can no longer stand tall
Dicemari tangan yang tiada jati
Defiled by the hands that have no identity
Undurkanlah diri yang kian mereput mati
Retreat the self that is increasingly rotting away
Sebelum hakiki merakusi ilusi
Before the real invades the illusion
Yang kian mengubur tujuan masa lalu
Which increasingly buries the purpose of the past
Seharum mana pun ketamakanmu itu, ooh
However fragrant your greed is, ooh
'Kan jatuh, ooh-ooh
It will fall, ooh-ooh
Yang kian mengubur tujuan masa lalu
Which increasingly buries the purpose of the past
Seharum mana pun ketamakanmu itu
However fragrant your greed is
Sesaat tercengang makin teruk dilaga
Stunned for a moment, it's even worse in the competition
Didomba, diluka, konon pejuang warga
Promised, hurt, supposedly a citizen warrior
Yang mahu hanya satu, hajat lagi dikabul
Who only wants one thing, another wish granted
Dengarlah rintihku yang ingin kita maju
Hear my moan that wants us to advance

Writer(s): Suiko Takahara

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