Thompson - Ostavio Sam Te, Draga - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Thompson - Ostavio Sam Te, Draga

Ostavio Sam Te, Draga
I Left You, Darling
Tiho, na prstima, dolazi mi u san
Quietly, on tiptoe, she comes to me in my dream
K′o rosa sa tu nog cvijeta
Like a flower that blooms from the dew on your feet
Tvoj pogled je umoran
Your gaze is weary
Tvoja ruka na mom srcu
Your hand is on my heart
Kao nekad zaspala
As if you've fallen asleep once more
Prokleta je ova ki a
Cursed be this rain
To te probudila
That has awakened you.
Ostavio sam te draga,
I left you, darling,
A sad mi je ao
But now I regret it
Uzela je srce moje,
She has taken my heart
Nisam joj ga dao
I did not give it to her
Ostavio sam te draga
I left you, darling
Ne daj mi da molim
Do not make me beg
Vratit ću se da ti ka em
I will return to tell you
Koliko te volim
How much I love you
Ostavio sam te draga
I left you, darling
Ne daj mi da molim
Do not make me beg
Moja će ti pjesma reći
My song will tell you
Koliko te volim
How much I love you
Tri su zime za mnom, du o
Three winters have passed since you've been gone
Od kada te nema
Since you've been gone
Samo padaj, luda ki o
Just keep falling, crazy rain
Nevrijeme se sprema
A storm is brewing
Ljubio sam mnoge druge
I have loved many others
Da te zaboravim
To forget you
La u oni koji ka u
Fools say
Da vrijeme sve izliječi
That time heals all wounds

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