Toteking - Libera el Estrés - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Toteking - Libera el Estrés

Libera el Estrés
Release The Stress
Dicen: ′¿Por qué no cantas, Tote?
They say: 'Why don't you sing, Tote?
¿Por qué no te pasas a otro rollo?
Why don't you switch to another style?'
Le digo: Porque aquí libero el estrés, hermano, aquí libero el estrés'
I say: 'Because here I release the stress, brother, here I release the stress.'
Esta canción está dedicada a todo el que está hasta la polla (Tote)
This song is dedicated to everyone who is fed up (Tote)
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
Toteking, el más duro de cualquier school
Toteking, the toughest of any school
OG, leyenda, más gallito que la Red Bull
OG, legend, cockier than Red Bull
Volando con los gansos del Grey Goose
Flying with the geese of Grey Goose
Dejándote a el micro de playskool
Leaving you the Playskool mic
Ya lo creo, mi entrada de rapeo
I believe it, my rap entrance
Es la entrada del carro del César al Coliseo
It's the entrance of Caesar's chariot to the Coliseum
Eras mi fan, ¿ya no te gusto ahora?
You were my fan, don't you like me now?
El tiempo no va pa′ atrás y ya no me puedes deschupar la polla
Time doesn't go backwards and you can't suck my dick anymore
Lo consigues, Dios escupiendo la verdad
You get it, God spitting out the truth
Está lloviendo mierda, entiendo lo de tu bucket hat
It's raining shit, I understand about your bucket hat
Vente conmigo, asociémonos pa' pecar
Come with me, let's team up to sin
Estoy dejando un legado que nadie va a tocar
I'm leaving a legacy that no one is going to touch
Qué triste están to' los raperos y yo
How sad all the rappers are and I
Sólo suelto lágrimas por un puchero, yo
I only shed tears for a joint, me
Soy el papi, el jefe, el don
I'm the daddy, the boss, the don
Me escuchó Enrique Iglesias y se cortó con el drone
Enrique Iglesias listened to me and cut himself with the drone
Cuando escupo esta mierda, libero el estrés
When I spit this shit, I release stress
Levanto al boli de la siesta, libero el estrés
I wake the pen from its nap, I release stress
Hasta mi sello me pide canciones con menos barras, porque no pillan ni tres
Even my label asks me for songs with fewer bars, because they don't catch even three
El contenido no importa me dicen unos cuantos
The content doesn't matter, a few tell me
Qué casualidad, los mismos que hoy están cantando
What a coincidence, the same ones who are singing today
Me dicen: Vente al pop, Tote, aquí lo pasas bien
They tell me: Come to pop, Tote, you have a good time here
Le digo: No, mi música es pa′ liberar el estrés
I say: No, my music is to release stress
Si estás hasta la polla de ese jefe tan cabrón
If you're fed up with that bastard boss
A tu niño le hacen bullying, tranqui, nos lo han hecho a tos′
Your kid is being bullied, chill, it's happened to all of us
Los impuestos que no paran 'tán parao′ el corazón
The taxes that don't stop, the heart is stopped
Tu pareja está majara, te ha robao' hasta tu salón
Your partner is crazy, she's stolen even your living room
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
No dudaría ni un segundo y mandaría al talego
I wouldn't hesitate for a second and would send to jail
A to′s los que hacen el mono en los campos de fútbol
All those who act like monkeys on the football fields
Allí libera el estrés la escoria del mundo
There the scum of the world releases the stress
Vente conmigo, hermano, si has perdido el rumbo
Come with me, brother, if you've lost your way
Desde mi aclaro que hay que estar en la calle
From my clear that you have to be on the street
Pero no sigo a nadie como a Kanye, como Carter
But I don't follow anyone like Kanye, like Carter
Sube el pan, primo, cuando enciendo el Avalon
The bread goes up, cousin, when I turn on the Avalon
Indiscutible hermano, como el Goya de Álamo
Undisputed brother, like Álamo's Goya
En cada letra hay un libro que dice: Yo el rey
In each letter there is a book that says: I am the king
No hagas coreografías raras pareces el O.A
Don't do weird choreography, you look like the OA
Entro en tu pista y suena to' okay
I enter your track and everything sounds okay
ven a los míos y vomito como si leo a John Gray
You come to mine and I vomit like I'm reading John Gray
Me indigna alguno que propone el crowdfunding
I am outraged by someone who proposes crowdfunding
Y ese público que paga el crowdfunding
And that audience that pays for crowdfunding
Es quién quiere pelea pa′l título y no está ni en el ranking
Is the one who wants a fight for the title and is not even in the ranking
Y son más malos que mi disco El lado oscuro de Gandhi
And they're worse than my album The Dark Side of Gandhi
Tus héroes tienen caspa chico, ya quiénes son
Your heroes have dandruff, kid, I know who they are
Los míos tienen gafas, Royce, Elphomega, Iñigo Errejón
Mine wear glasses, Royce, Elphomega, Iñigo Errejón
Soy el capo, miro a esos rapeos
I'm the boss, I look at those raps
Y estoy en to's ellos como Dios o los turistas japos
And I'm in all of them like God or the Japanese tourists haha
Cuando escupo esta mierda, libero el estrés
When I spit this shit, I release stress
Levanto al boli de la siesta, libero el estrés
I wake the pen from its nap, I release stress
No he nacido pa' ser esclavo porque pongo todo lo que soy en lo más mínimo que hago
I wasn't born to be a slave because I put everything I am into the smallest thing I do
Si estás hasta la polla de ese jefe tan cabrón
If you're fed up with that bastard boss
A tu niño le hacen bullying, tranqui, nos lo han hecho a tos′
Your kid is being bullied, chill, it's happened to all of us
Los impuestos que no paran ′tán parao' el corazón
The taxes that don't stop, the heart is stopped
Tu pareja está majara, te ha robao′ hasta tu salón
Your partner is crazy, she's stolen even your living room
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
You don't understand me, that′s your trouble
You don't understand me, that's your trouble
Not my fault because you don't understand me
Not my fault because you don't understand me
I don′t understand you either
I don't understand you either
But I don't spend my whole life trying to put a blame over on you
But I don't spend my whole life trying to put a blame over on you
Because my secret didn't lie or because something didn′t worked right
Because my secret didn't lie or because something didn't worked right
What you wanna call me a murderer for?
What you wanna call me a murderer for?
I′ve never killed anyone
I've never killed anyone
I don't need to kill anyone
I don't need to kill anyone
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress
Libera el estrés, libera el estrés
Release the stress, release the stress

Writer(s): Manuel Gonzalez Rodriguez

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