TrollfesT - Kaptein Kaos - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation TrollfesT - Kaptein Kaos

Kaptein Kaos
Captain Chaos
Ein oppspilt Kaos står midt i byen
An excited chaos stands in the middle of the city
Erfinder trollet har skapt den første tidsmaskin
The inventor troll has created the first time machine
Den står og oser av teknologi
It stands and oozes technology
Utstyrt med pumper stemt i quantum harmony
Equipped with pumps tuned in quantum harmony
Kaptein trer inn i sin maskin
Captain steps into his machine
Kaptein trykker, tiden flyr forbi
Captain presses, time flies by
langt tilbake, fem store smell
So far back, five on the big bang
Kaptein trer ut, men der e det
Captain steps out, but there's
Ingenting aent enn ei lunta
Nothing but a wick
Kaptein Kaos, han fant ei lunta,
Captain Chaos, he found a wick,
Kaptein Kaos, jævla store lunta,
Captain Chaos, fucking big wick
Kaptein Kaos tenner ei lunta
Captain Chaos lights a wick
Rulle rundt i rallrhatt. Kaptein kjører tidsmaskin
Rolling around in a drunkard's hat. Captain drives a time machine
Rulle rundt rir pumplens prakt. Kaptein kjører tidsmaskin
Rolling around rides the pump's splendor. Captain drives a time machine
Rulle rundt i rallrhatt. Kaptein kjører tidsmaskin
Rolling around in a drunkard's hat. Captain drives a time machine
Rulle rundt rir pumplens prakt. Ute og lager faenskap, tommel
Rolling around rides the pump's splendor. Out and making mischief, thumb
Opp for faenskap!
Up for mischief!
Kaptein roller over tidens tann
Captain rolls over the tooth of time
Er setzten Fra sich sukkertøy undt Zahnschmerzen
He puts on candy and a toothache
Det neste stoppet i tidshoppet er den
The next stop in time leap is that
Første utgave av fleircella liv
The first edition of multicellular life
Kaptein Kaos smake ursuppa, Kaptein Kaos like ikkje suppa
Captain Chaos tastes the primordial soup, Captain Chaos doesn't like the soup
Kaptein Kaos spytte oppi suppa, Kaptein Kaos ødelegge
Captain Chaos spits into the soup, Captain Chaos spoils
Utsletta fleir cella liv
Wiped out multicellular life
Kaptein Kaos smake ursuppa, Kaptein Kaos like ikkje suppa
Captain Chaos tastes the primordial soup, Captain Chaos doesn't like the soup
Kaptein Kaos spytte oppi suppa, Kaptein Kaos ødelegge
Captain Chaos spits into the soup, Captain Chaos spoils
Kaptein Kaos seiler tvers av tid
Captain Chaos sails across time
Han får et aent heilt nytt perspektiv
He gets a whole new perspective
Er ser at tidens tann fortærer alle mann
He sees that the tooth of time is consuming everyone

Writer(s): Eirik Renton

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