Twins - 就說我們都是華麗的單身族 (國) [KTV版] - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Twins - 就說我們都是華麗的單身族 (國) [KTV版]

就說我們都是華麗的單身族 (國) [KTV版]
We are Magnificent Singles (National Version) [KTV Version]
We are Magnificent Singles
Lyric: Wyman Wong
监制:伍乐城 @RNLS
Production: Ronald Ng @ RLN
S: 蔡卓妍 G: 钟欣潼
C.C.: Charlene Choi G: Gillian Chung
S: 我答案就是不
C.C.: No. My answer is just no.
倒不是 因为爱的好苦
It's not like I feel bitter from a failed love.
太多的人 已经爱的好苦
There are too many people who've suffered from it.
那条路 有点堵
It's really quite a traffic jam.
G: 我怎么会怕输
G: Lose. I am never afraid to lose.
勇敢到 为他万劫不复
I was brave enough to be hopelessly devoted to him.
不过后来 在地狱觉悟
It was only later I found out that Hell was waiting.
合: 有些人太幸福 也许会水土不服
Together: Perhaps some people are too happy and become spoiled.
S: 到现在还孤独 你说罪无可恕
C.C.: I am still single. You said I am really unforgivable.
G: 你看我那么cool 可像躲在房间哭
G: I look so cool, but I may actually be hiding in a room crying.
合: 晚餐要吃什么 他大概会帮我做主 没有其他好处
Together: What's for dinner? I guess he'll decide. He has no other use.
G: 我就是爱孤独 我过得好满足
G: I love being single. I am really content.
S: 明明那双人床 一个人睡更舒服
C.C.: Obviously a double bed is so much more comfortable for one person only.
G: 没兴趣在辜负 S: 被辜负 合: 之间再追逐
G: Not interested in disappointing; C.C.: Getting disappointed; Together: We will no longer play this game.
合: 就说我们都是 华丽的单身族
Together: Let's just say that we are both magnificent singles.
S: 不要以为我是 那种公主
C.C.: Don't assume that I am that kind of princess.
G: 性格小器所以 不好相处
G: With my petty personality, it makes it hard to get along with me.
合: 我不怕付出 我只是怕付不出
Together: I am not afraid to give but I fear that I am not able to give enough.
合: 到现在还孤独 你说罪无可恕
Together: I am still single. You said I am really unforgivable.
S: 你看我那么cool 可像躲在房间哭
C.C.: I look so cool, but I may actually be hiding in a room crying.
G: 晚餐要吃什么 他大概会帮我做主 合: 没有其他好处
G: What's for dinner? I guess he'll decide. He has no other use.
S: 我就是爱孤独 我过得好满足
C.C.: I love being single. I am really content.
G: 明明那双人床
G: Obviously a double bed
S: 一个人睡更舒服
C.C.: is so much more comfortable for one person only.
合: 没兴趣在 辜负 被辜负 之间再追逐
Together: Not interested in disappointing; Getting disappointed; We will no longer play this game.
合: 就说我们都是 华丽的单身族
Together: Let's just say that we are both magnificent singles.
合: 人拥有了爱情 就需要 为爱情服务
Together: Once a person gets into a relationship, they need to serve the relationship.
就说我们都是 顽固的单身族
Let's just say that we are both stubborn singles.

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