Uzmir - Ketamiz - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Uzmir - Ketamiz

We're Leaving
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Hayotda o'rningni topolmading
You couldn't find your place in life
Tashvishing boshingdan otolmading
You couldn't shake off your worries
Lekin g'ururingni sotolmading
But you couldn't sell your pride
Vaqt o'tadi lek tez chopolmading
Time flies, but you couldn't grasp it
Harakat qil, ko'zingni och
Try, open your eyes
Atrofing aqlga to'ldirma qoch
Don't run, fill your mind with wisdom around you
Bo'lma yuvosh, oldingda osh
Don't be meek, there's a feast ahead
Sanga tosh otganga egmada bosh
Bow your head to those who throw stones at you
Hayot hazilini bilamiz-a
We know life's a joke
Kimlarni dilini tilamiz-a
We beg for some hearts
Iymonni oxirga qo'yamiz-a
We put faith last
Sevib oxirida jilamiz-a
We love and then we destroy
Bilmadik kimlardek bo'lamiz-a
We don't know who we'll become
Bu yo'lda yuzlarsiz o'lamiz-a
We'll die faceless on this path
Taqdirni o'rtaga qo'yamiz-a
We put fate in the middle
Dunyodan erta to'yamiz-a
We get tired of the world early
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Tobutidan qo'lini chiqarib ketgan Iskandar
Alexander, who left his coffin with his hand out
Balki o'ylagan edi, bosaman butun jahon
Maybe he thought, I'll conquer the whole world
So'ngra xalqi boshiga, tushib og'ir iskanja
Then, a heavy burden fell on his people
Boyligi-yu taxti qoldi, kimlar kuyingan yomon
His wealth and throne remained, mourned by some
Ketarman, yo'limda, uchradi soxtalari
I'm leaving, on my way, I met fakes
Yomonlab, ortingdan, yurishadi foydalanib
They talk badly, follow you, using you
Qolarman, gohida, kimlargadir tilanib
I stay, sometimes, begging someone
Mani tark erganlar, Xudoga soldim silarni
Those who left me, I leave you to God
Qarz so'rab badalidan, qochib qoldik
We ran away from debts
Kimnidur turtamiz ba'zan, kam berib oylik
We sometimes cheat someone, paying low wages
Iymoningdan ayrilganda yordam bermiydi boylik
Wealth won't help when you lose your faith
Borar joyimiz birdek, ikki yarim metr joylik
Our destination is the same, a six-foot plot
Oqibat, yurakda, nomingni oqlolmading
In the end, you couldn't clear your name in your heart
Yolg'iz qolding banda, qorningni to'qlolmading
You were left alone, you couldn't fill your belly
Sho'r peshona taqdirlar, ahvollaringiz xarob
Oh, unfortunate fates, your situations are dire
Aysh-u ishratdasiz, qilmadingiz bir savob
You are in luxury, you haven't done a single good deed
Tamomman, tamoman, bu dunyo ishlari
Completely, totally, these worldly affairs
Mazah qilgan edingiz, soddalarni ishlatib
You mocked, using the naive
Ajratdik qishloqi, 15 takam shaharlik
We separated the villagers, 15 of us city folk
Yaxshilikka qo'l cho'zgandik, bir mahallik
We reached out for good, once upon a time
Yetmaydi satrlar, oxiri yo'q gaplarim
Lines are not enough, my words are endless
Do'stlarim yuz burishdi, tushunmay hazillarim
My friends turned away, not understanding my jokes
Kelsa ham yaqin o'lim, kelmadi yaqinlarim
Even though death is near, my loved ones are not
Qadrim bilishar balki, qolganda asarlarim
Perhaps my value will be known, when my works remain
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving
Bilamiz-i bilamiz-i
We know, we know
Ketamiz-i Ketamiz-i
We're leaving, we're leaving

Writer(s): Uzmir

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